Visiting the fabulous waterfall in a role as a tour guide.

By travelling a lot of time and with all the experiences I got, I have become a amateur tour guide for a group of 12 people who are my sister friends. On the occasion of my sister wedding, they decide to take a tour to attend the wedding as well as to visit my hometown. Of course there are not so much noticeable destinations to stop by, therefore we have to search for the great one to drop by. Finally, visiting waterfall is our best choice in a tough condition of hot weather. And Dray Sap water fall is called out the name.


Dray Sap waterfall is located in Krong No district, Dak Nong province. From Ban Me Thuot city, it took about 30km to arrive. Dray Sap waterfall is fed by the Srepock tributary river which flows from the central of the highland to Cambodia.


Preparing the stuff!
We do not have to prepare too much things when going to the waterfall cause the service in there is sufficient at all. We just need to buy some fruits from the market and protect our skin by adding suntan cream and dress smartly.



Buying the entrance ticket!
Oh yeahhhhhh. To get the water fall, we must pay 80.000cnd (approximately $3) for per person. They have the large park for motobike and car.

Here we go!
Before arriving the waterfall, we need to go down the deep line of ladder and cross an amazing forest (it does not take too much time to walk through the forest). Well, it is not actually a truly forest now, but in the past, it was. I meet some ethnic minority children playing under the stream which is crossing the bridge. They look active, naïve and smart. They reach to us and ask for some food. The weather now has changed a bit, less hot, more wind and humid. We can feel the comfortable vibe breezing us directly.




The waterfall appears in front of us imposingly. From the main waterfall flowing into the suspension bridge, it divided into 2 flows on the other side, the first one is called dray nur and the rest of it is dray sap (the one I am mentioning).









Gorgoues, strong, and purity – they are 3 words I use to describe the feeling of mine when looking at the waterfall. The cool of water dissolves the hideously hot day at noon, we do not hestitate to wait for anymore. Some of my friends walk around to hunt the view and take the pictures while some of them are soaking the foot and swimming in the shallow area.
Beside the view, I love the stone and how its arrange naturally. There are some huge and flat stones in the border that help visitor easily take a rest and open the party with food. So that they do not need to pay the amount of money to hire a hut.
In the water fall, they also open the kayak sailing service for visitors. The tourists just need to pay $4 for one person to have the turn to watch and go around the inside of waterfall with the very good of taking picture service.





If you have a chance to visit Viet Nam as well as some province in the highland, do not miss out this waterfall. This is listed in 11 waterfalls that the visitors should drop by in the highland.


For the next visiting, I will try to take more time to visit the longest volcanic cave in South East Asia staying next to the Dray Sap waterfall. You guys also can list this one on your bucket list too.
Have a great day, hivers. Thank you for becoming my friend ad stopping by my blog today!

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