Spring- Van Ctiy

Hello everyone, spring has come, the beauties have arrived, I'm very beautiful too. I love this season and summer. Spring is like a new life for me. I don't travel, I eat, the music I listen to, everything I enjoy changes in this season. I don't want to say that winter is bad here, of course, but spring and summer are very different for me, even I always say that around me, I am a summer child, I am a child of the sun.


Of course, while I was sharing the spring, spring came very late to Istanbul because it still snowed, it snowed a lot even until yesterday, it seems like spring is coming a little late this year


And the planes landed very hard at the airport, so there is such a spring start in Istanbul right now.


And I would like to tell you about the city of Van, which is the reason why I love spring, where it is the most beautiful in spring, and where I was born. Van is a city from the Urartian state that existed thousands of years ago, one of the powerful states of its time. There are still a lot of traces from the Urartians. During the Urartians, the name of Van was Tuspay. Van has a huge lake. Van Lake. A volcanic lake. It's a different kind of water with soda water. There is also fishing, transportation and beach tourism in this lake. Especially in spring and summer, the lake is the most beautiful time. There is Akdamar island in the middle of the lake. There is a church still in use. The most beautiful thing that represents spring here is the period when almond trees bloom. Everything turns pink.



Another one of my happy moments. There are more beauties in Van. I want to arouse curiosity and for us to come and see. :)


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