Exploring Shawnee National Forest - Family Pictures at the "Garden of the Gods"!


Hello there my fellow Pinmappleans! This is my very first attempt using Pinmapple, and unfortunately I don't have a PC at the moment, so I hope that this works correctly on mobile!! :)

In the past couple days, I have posted two different "Exploring Shawnee National Forest" blogs using the Liketu front end on mobile; one focusing on the Observation Trail, and the other focusing on the amazing views at the observation points along that trail.

Today, I want to bring you some of the family pictures we took while we were there!

First, is a picture of Junior, climbing around the first rock formation we came across along the Observation Trail :) it was easy to see he was absolutely loving life that day, and it made Murt and I very happy to see him enjoying himself ♥️

The next 3 pictures were taken by Murty, and I have to say, she is quite the photographer! I absolutely love the pictures she took of Junior and I! ♥️ They were taken at the first Observation Point that we came across along the main trail, and are honestly some of my favorite pictures from the whole weekend!

Next up is my beautiful fiance, Murty, looking absolutely gorgeous as she poses for the camera! If you happened to check it out, you may even recognize that view from my last "Exploring Shawnee" post! I didn't get to do much posing this time around, but I'll definitely be attempting to the next time we go!

Being next to all the jagged cliffs and steep drop offs, it was really hard to take pictures together, because all Junior wanted to do was "bawk" (walk) around and climb on every rock formation he saw! I know we aren't the only parents out there that go through the same thing, but we were fortunate enough to encounter someone willing to take the family picture shown above! To whoever you are, thank you very much! It is very much appreciated!

I love the next shot of Junior holding both of our hands! Taking this picture was no easy task, but I'm glad it turned out pretty good!! :)

Later on in the hike, I started pushing the stroller more to let Murt have some walking time with Junior! I personally love these last couple pictures that I was able to take of them, especially the second to last picture where Junior is showing mommy a bug!! :)

These types of unexpected photo opportunities are always amazing to look back on, and I can't wait to tell Junior about these memories! :)

Unfortunately we didn't stay long, due to the stroller making it hard to navigate the flagstone trail, but we will be going back in the future to finish the full loop that is the Observation Trail!

Thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to stay tuned next week for another update in my "Exploring Shawnee" series!!

Stay Trippy, My Little Hippies! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

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