Discovering new routes and beautiful arial locations

Hello, my dear Hiveans! Welcome my another piece of blog with a beautiful location which is nit far from my living area, around 11.5 km away and I have discovered it on my outdoor activity with my bicycle. Winter is a long period of time in Beijing, but yesterday, the temperature was a little bit higher almost 9 degrees when I set out in the afternoon after my office hours. And I was select a certain area with new roads about 11 km for 1 hour of activity to go and come back before the temperature starts falling very fast in the evening. So, 11+11 = 22 km is a decent activity for 1 hour and I set the location in on my Chinese map app which has no english!

Beijing, the capital of China, is a bustling metropolis with a multiethnic population and a rich history dating back to the dawn of human civilization. Despite being a large city, it is also home to some really stunning natural settings, such as the mountains, lakes, and woodlands of the Huairou District, particularly in the northern part of Beijing, where I am living now. Huairou is a very vast district that stretches another 100 km north to the outside of Beijing's municipal territory while being just around 65 km north of the city center so I can say the district is almost more than 160 KM long to the north from the center. I consider myself fortunate to be in a stunning region where you may enjoy year-round, diverse perspectives of the natural world throughout various seasons.

Though winter is quite harsh here, with 20% of humidity and the outside temperature just near 0 or below 0 from December to February, but from the end of the February temperature starts to raise and yeaterday I found a higher temperature in recent weeks and I make my cycling activity. However, I prefer going by public transport which is very convenient for upto 100 km surrounding this area. I can say Beijing has one of the best public transport system among the world's top populated cities across the world.

The city is big enough to live more than double or triple the population here as most of the places are really empty here, and the roads are so safe as they have completely separate routes for two-wheelers, especially for cycles and electric bikes but not the powerful motorbikes that are used as a cycling path that goes through the district's mountains and forests. Because each high road offers a well-maintained and easily navigable route, it is an excellent option for cyclists of all ability levels. On a clear winter's day, the Huairou roads provide for a breathtaking sight. As you go along, you will be surrounded by breathtaking splendor. The distance mountains and the roadside trees are presently bare of leaves and are blanketed with gray and brown foliage.

As I ride into the center of the winter woods, its serene quietness surrounds me the whole way, creating a calming and enjoyable ambiance. The stark reality of winter has replaced the once-vibrant leaf canopy, exposing a skeletal structure of barren branches that stretches up into the clear sky. The landscape is now monochromatic with gentle greys. Also the small villages are looking less active as the bitter winter is not convenient for outdoor activities.

Here in the winter, wearing thick clothing is essential due to the frequent high winds and intense dryness. My skin felt cold when I didn't use the gloves during my first round to reach the location.The winter forest, with its scorching look devoid of any greenery and vibrant blossoms, has a certain allure even in the midst of a hard winter. As I go closer to the location out of the villages, it bwas becoming more empty. Drawn by its promise of vitality in the dead of winter, I follow the sound.

After almost 40 minutes of cycling with frequent pauses for taking some photos I reache the fascinating location on my road which I never though and this is really an empty place without any crowd of peole but only with the passing transports including buses, tracks and so many cars.

The location is a smaller bridge with a several number of bridges in both side of this bridge over a smaller river. The sight of the water of the river was close to bluish which is coming from the water reservoir far north I think from melting ice from the mountain ices I think. The stream's ripples and the flowing water sparkle like diamonds in the afternoon sun light.

It was nearly late winter afternoon, the sun was in a more west-south position than usual, and the cold had begun to set in when the dismal, gray surroundings are miraculously changed into a soft, ethereal glow that fills the whole space. The final golden rays from the sun was stunning to make the surrounding so beautiful in this harsh winter.

It was really a amazed for me and I didn't thought the location will be so attractive and the place was just out of the city life with the nature. I saw the naked trees there without leaves but still it looks awesome. The overall surround just making a picturesque scene with the golden light, river ripples and the beautiful man-made bridges with different heights and structural beauty.

The winter forest may seem dead, but it is really hibernating, preparing for springtime renewal. Nude and leafless trees are not dead; rather, they are only dormant and are awaiting the warmth of the sun to awaken them from their sleep. Some corners of the river still covered with the ice and some trees are submerged with the water.

Despite the extreme cold that had me to wear heavy gloves in my returning time, I really loved the trip. Since the temperature is likely to drop and I am fortunate that it hasn't snowed in recent days, so I started my returning journey as soon as possible.

I hope you like my outdoor activity in such a fantastic place on my weekend. It was amazing to have such tours to a fantastic place like this, with the beauty of nature, to enjoy and lose myself away from my busy life! If you have any queries, let me know in the comments, and I will try my best to answer them.

Thanks a lot for your time and attention. I will catch up with you at the next one.
Wish you a great day!

MD AL MAHADI HASAN Welcome to Mahadi's small corner in the Hive Community from Bangladesh. He is a Ph.D. student who is working at a research Institute in China. He has visited many destinations near Beijing, climbed up the Great Wall and mountains, tried new and exotic dishes here, tried skiing and many other events, and explored his country and wants to explore the rest of the world in the future. As a crypto enthusiast, he has the hobby of learning about Blockchains, Cryptos, and their fascinating applications in the real world. He loves learning new things and tries to enjoy his life to the full. If you like his content, don't forget to upvote and leave a comment to show some love for him as a learner in the blogging sphere. You can also reblog his post if you want to. Also, don't forget to follow him to be updated on his latest posts about his life and thoughts on a regular basis, including daily life and some Blockchain games such as Splinterlands.

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