Visiting Cool Places in Northeast Thailand

Today I want to share some more things I saw while traveling in northeast Thailand. I went to a temple there that was quite special. The entire things and even some of the surrounding buildings were all made out of beer bottles. Yup, you heard me right. Wat Pa Maha Chedi Kaew is a temple that has been built with 1.5 million empty Heineken and Chang beer bottles. This temple is actually very cool and unique and I think it's an interesting way of reusing the empty bottles.


The temple took around two years to build and after the main temple building was finished, the monks expanded with a few other buildings nearby. It wasn't the best day to be there since it was raining a little bit but the temple was definitely worth a visit if you are in the area. Here is one of the other buildings that was near the temple. It was a really nice and quiet place. We didn't see any monks during the short time we spent there. The only thing around was a few dogs. There was also one more cool thing that they had made with glass bottles. It was a reclining beer bottle buddha.



On the outside you could tell that they had put beer bottles everywhere they could think of. In the next photo you can see that even the water tower wasn't safe. Inside the temple it looked a lot like most temples do but of course you could still see the beer bottles everywhere in the walls so it definitely had a unique look. It is one of the cooler temples I've visited for sure.



After that we were pretty much done with the beer bottle temple and it started raining heavily so we got in the car and started driving back to the city where our hotel was. The weather got a lot better towards the evening and we went out for a little walk so we could visit yet another cool place. This time we went to Wat Phra That Nong Bua. A huge, golden pagoda with giant snakes protecting it. This place was even cooler than the first temple and the nice evening weather made it look beautiful.



It was an amazing place for an evening stroll and there were many people in the surrounding park working out, dancing or just chilling. Very relaxing area and it was the perfect place to end the trip in that city for this time. As you can see I had an amazing time though and got to see a lot of really cool things. Both the outside and inside of this pagoda was very beautiful

That's it for today's post. It was an amazing trip and it's really nice up there. Very calm compared to Bangkok and there are a lot of good food places. I even managed to find an amazing pizza place in the middle of nowhere. Good times!

See you next time everyone, I hope you enjoyed the photos and the post. Let me know what you think in the comments below! Let's see where I go next time.

Peace, Straw

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