Adventures in Abundances : Day before Kedarnath Trek [Sonprayag, Mandakini, Clouds]

“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru


After travelling through all the bumpy and dangerous road we were heading towards our next destination point. We were suppose to halt at Sonprayag before begining our rigorous trekking to Kedarnath. Our journey would have been quite hectic and tiring if we were not enjoying the nature to the fullest. As we were travelling into the hills we always comes across differrnt natural beauty with breathtaking views, Including some natursl water falls. Swiftly falling through the hills. There were many of them all throughout the way from Devprayag to Sonprayag.


This is what make our journey bit longer as we happen to stop at every water fall. Each of them appears better than before. Praising each of them we kept moving upward direction in our car. We reached our destination around 3 PM. It alreasy started dark and weather was bit cloudy . There were bit of rush on the roads as we find the place with lots of traffic and people looking for the parking spaces.


Sonprayag situated at an elevation of 1829 m is famous a site where Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati were married

Do expect a higher accommodation prices at this place. Situated up in the hills, there were not much option. And looking at the crowd we were doubtful to get accomodstion. But eventually ended a good deal for $12 a day, at this very hotel. Made up of wooden block, It was a temporary set up but enough to make visitors relax at such an altitude area.

Sonprayag is a natural beauty in itself. Surrounded by nature's bounty and glorious snow capped peaks, it is a heaven in itself. It is also a place where River Mandakini meets River Basuki.



The regions also get heavy snowfall during winter time. We were already feeling bit colder. But prefer to take a stroll around the mini market to enjoy the hill. As per our schedule, we were spending the night at this location and start our 22km trek next morning. We had enough time to take a walk down the market area.



I found the market area very quite. Local people were less talkative to each other but helpful. Though the prices of general items were bit higher as compared to other other market. Having such a services in an altitude means they going to charge more. I was enjoying the atmosphere, as the place was beautifully decorated and finding the hill top from every side setting up a differrnt aura. It was bit crowded too, as people also taking a walk down the small town area. There were not much people but it was differrnt experince altogether.


The small market is set up of in a narrow lane. This particular road will take us to the Gauri Kund from where we were suppose to begin the trekking. We were doing a proper Reikk to ensure we know every bits of the place. Also took all necessary information from the local people to undwrstand the trekking complexities. It is not that we make such trip every time. So gathering all necessary information is good. The market areas has various shops on both the sides selling winter cloth and other travelor necessity. (not cheaper at all)



Crossing the market took us to to the River side. This is Mandakini River flowing down from up above the hill. The free flowing stream burbles as it travels along its bed, bubbling over rocks. This is a scintillating views, I have been watching after so long time. Right at hevean doorstep.




After appreciating the view from far off. It didn't took me too long to get down near the water. Rocks/ pebbles all over the place, it has a majestic example to experince natursl beauty. (I am fslling short of words to describe the beautiful set up). We spent nearly half n hour near the water. Meeting few others, chatting and more importantly enjoying every moments out there.








These are the beauty of mandakini at best. The River that flows so elegantly and make people fall in awe looking at its beautiful flow. Simply mesmerizing! We were kind of lost enjoying the River. Before finally realizing that we have to trek next Dat and better to take rest and relax our body for the rigorous trek. We went back to hotel, had pur dinner and then straight away to the bed.


It was already too cold, and the hotel already provided with some warm blanket for the night. We get inside the Cozy bed and sleep as we never slept before.

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

More adventure to come and the rigorous trekking of 22km was going to take a heavy toll on our body....

.....The adventure continues more during the trek.....(Road to Kedarnath)

Enjoy the road to kedarnath... see you in next for more rigorous trekking adventures


Namaste at @steemflow

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