Trip to Magic valley ✨


Hlo guys !! Iam back , as I promised to take you on adventure to some unexplored places , some hidden valleys in Himalayas .

This is place known as MAGIC VALLEY ✨
Is surely has some magic . It is about 9000ft above sea level ! It is a place were you can still see the beauty and Pureness of nature.

This was the starting step for this trek. It is last station were you can find food and other need full things! All the roads ends here! And rise of depth of mountains starts from here.


I had a very amazing trip and I enjoyed my self alot and made sure to live in the moment of nature! This place is world famous for best production of CBD OIL and Hash! Popularly known as Malana cream.

As you can see this is the hash cultivation in remote villages with highest percentage of HTC level which makes best CBD oil. This oil is used in CANCER treatment with 100% curing results.

This is me and my brother from another mother chilling in mountains in best climatic conditions! This was a very good feeling and I found peace in living there . I can never forget this place. It’s wind , it’s breeze , it’s fragrance everything about this place is amazing.

This is an ancient piece to smoke hash. It’s art is as ancient as this place! It is made up of mud and the art is imprinted over it. This is officially known as CHILLAM💥 and believe me it’s much better than a BONG.

It is said in local language of malana that this can cure every illness and every pain if you just enjoy it and try to forget stress and tension! It’s the best remedy. I don’t known it’s true or not but surely it is working for some people.

On the way I found a best companion for humans. I named him Lord Jiraya because he showed me the path to the nomad tent. Sometime I lost the path but because of him I reached my destination ♥️

We found a natural fountain and a beautiful rainbow on the path. This was the best moment of trip for me because I always wanted to see a rainbow so close to me✨

I always wanted to feel how a rainbow feels like so close ! How it tastes likes how it smells like! I was in the rainbow and believe me it’s the most beautiful wonder of god’s creation ♥️ We took a bath in the fountain and got freshenup as we didn’t took a bath for 2 days. We were just walking as far we could go.

This is hidden among the mountains no one can imagine there could be such a beautiful place hidden deep in mountains! It’s surely a magic …! That’s why it’s know as magic valley! ✨

This was us on way back from this amazing paradise . We didn’t want to leave this place. & Was Hoping to stay a bit long but we couldn’t. That’s why we were looking back again and again and we’re making memories more remembreable.

But we knew more adventure is waiting for us so we just packed are bags and took dozens of memories with us. End is just the beginning as I told you in my introduction 🌝

After coming back from magic valley some one suggested us to visit an ancient temple which is about 1400years old.

This monument is a holy temple of goddess HADIMBA . She is worshipped by local people. Also people of Israel live here and this place is known as mini Israel. They live here and enjoy the beauty of nature and work over there passion. People here makes music and live there life happily.

I learned something new about myself from this trip. It helped me to grow a little more in life and to see things more beautifully. World has endless wonders and iam glad I visited one♥️

So at last I hope you liked my adventure. I tried my best to express my feelings through my blog. Every person reading this blog Thank you guys .& may you Have a happy and a healthy life.
Explore this world as much you can! Life only come ones. Make it worth learning and experiencing 🤍

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