Scuba Diving & Waterfalls -Moalboal & Kawasan Falls-Philippines

Hail to the Hive,

if there are 3 things you really should do if you find yourself on the island of Cebu in the Philippines then it has to be Waterfalls, Diving Pescador Island and seeing the massive school of sardines.

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When we have friends visit which used to be quite often before the dark times, before the Covid, then we would always take them to Kawasan Falls.

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As we are based in Moalboal it is an easy 25 minute tricycle ride to Kawasan falls and the trikes are a classic part of Philipines culture. You really do have to ride in one while you are here. It's another must do!

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I wouldn't say it's a comfortable ride but if you've never been in one before then it does feel like a bit of an adventure.

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Once at the falls there's a small fee and a 10 minute very pleasant walk along the path next to the river, over a few bridges and you are at the bottom level of the water falls.

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I really would suggest not only going very early to avoid massive crowds ( avoid weekends and public holidays also) but take food and drinks as it can be a bit of a tourist trap when it comes to sitting down at tables , eating and drinking. I don't usually mind at most places but it really is a hassle here which is a shame.

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If you arrive early and avoind the crowds it really is very beautiful.

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And invigorating being pummeled by the water.

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Climbing up to the 2nd level is a nice workout and it's a very pleasant area to swing off a rope and have a refreshing swim in the cool water.

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There are more levels to climb up if you have the energy also but....

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Now for some S.C.U.B.A


The diving in Moalboal is extremely convenient with almost all the dive sites no more than a 10 minute ride away.

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Pescador Island

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Pescador is a real treat and a very popular dive site. It has a sheer drop surrounding the island and the coral wall formations go to a depth of nearly 60m

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Only serious technical divers would be going deeper than 40m and most recreational dives are 30m and shallower.

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Clear waters

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and the sardine school is such an amazing spectacle. Always reminds me of an alien invasion from a science fiction movie.

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more nemo

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turtles everywhereScreen Shot 20200813 at 8.43.01 AM.jpeg

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little catfish

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Bill saying goodbye for now!

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Hope you enjoyed my little post of the waterfalls and diving pescador and also the sardines, not forgetting Nemo of course.


Stay safe out there people wherever you may be on this planet of ours



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