BodhiBliss- A journey through Bihar heritage


Hi all today I will take you to Bihar, India. It is a state in eastern India and very famous for BodhGaya's Mahabodhi Temple. Bihar is so beautiful and historically rich that I realized after visiting Bihar. It borders Nepal and is divided by the river Ganga.

River Ganga and sunset

From Dehradun, I traveled to Delhi by bus and went from Delhi to Patna Capital Bihar by flight. From there my two colleagues and I left for Sitamarhi by car.

According to mythology, King Janak found Sita Mata at this place. And he accepted Sita as his daughter. This story comes from Ramayana which is one of the very famous epics (mahakavy) from ancient India.

Sitamarhi is 335 kilometers from Patna and it took us almost 4 hours to reach here.
My visit purpose was to train the coaches on SRHR and GBV using sports and play in one of the organizations', however, it gave me a chance to see and visit some tourist places. Some are very popular and some are attractions for locals.


We stayed at this place for four days and for three days we had on-field training, After finishing the training we went back to Patna and rested.


The next day morning we started our journey to Gaya. Again the purpose was onfield training with another group.


We traveled by road from Patna to Bodhgaya which is between 111 to 115 km and it took us more than 5 hours due to traffic in this journey of 3 hours. and this was my most peaceful and amazing visit as Gaya is very famous for the Bodhi tree and Mahabodhi Temple. This is the place where Budh Bhagwan attained enlightenment while meditating.

This was the only photo I could click as no camera was allowed inside the temple.

After checking in the hotel and resting we went to visit the Mahabodhi temple in the evening. This is a UNESCO World Heritage site. We have grown up reading and hearing many stories about Budh and the moment I entered the temple premises I found so much crowd and everyone was in a line, one line was going inside the temple and another line was going behind the temple where Bodhi tree is situated. peaceful energy.


I wanted to visit the Bodhi tree first, and gradually we moved behind the temple, when I saw the tree, it melted my heart. There was peace in my mind and tears in my eyes. The tears were not of anyone's sorrow, but witnessing the tree whom I have heard so much. It was especially powerful to see and feel it, rather than just reading and hearing about it.

This is a tree outside the temple (not Bodhitree)

After finishing the program here we went to Kundgram to train another group which is the birthplace of lord Mahaveer. and then Rajgeer. Rajgeer is an ancient city surrounded by hills.

Exploring the city

We used the ropeway to visit Budha Stupa. it is on top of the hills and surrounded by trees.


If I had not visited Bihar for the program I would not able to see the different parts of Bihar. Usually, when I want to choose my vacation destination either it is the mountains or the sea sites.

Because it was a road trip we stopped so many times and had almost all the local foods, and this is one of my favorite things to do.






Thank you for reading my blog.
[//]:# (!pinmapple 24.77741 lat 85.01518 long Bihar, India d3scr)

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