Goda Lokanath Shiva Temple

Famous for true experience of God


This is something real, which happened very recently. We have some tenants staying at my native place and my mother after collecting the rent from them, kept in the kitchen. She usually keeps it there and then later takes it and keep in a locked box. The next day, she found the money was missing. Given her age, she first tried to remember, if she had taken and kept it and searched. But then she was pretty sure that she did not take it from that place. We have only two other people coming to the home - a maid and a cook. She asked both of them and both denied seeing the money, forget about stealing. After couple of days, she tried to interrogate each of them individually and each of them started blaming the other. Finally when both of them were there, she declared to keep an Areca nut in the name of Goda Lokanath (Lord Shiva worshiped in this temple) and God take care of the evil. Keeping an Areca nut in the name of God is a very old tradition for this place, and it's told, whoever does it with devotion, the God fulfills his desire. And then once the desire is fulfilled, the person visits the temple. To her surprise, the very next day the money was found at the same place. Call it fear of the evil or devotion of people, the Lord is famous in our locality.



When I went to my native place during the Raja Festival, she narrated all these and we went there to seek the blessings of the God. It's not very far, just fourteen km far from my house. So we decided to visit in the afternoons, taking my father with us as well.







This place has developed a lot since last few years. The temple was originally a hut. But over the time, people experienced the heavenly impact and that is how it started getting famous.





Like all Shiva Temples, there is a massive Nandi sitting in front, facing the Lord. And then there is a small temple of Lord Hanuman who is considered to be an avatar of Lord Shiva himself. The entire ambience is so peaceful and calm that we did not realize spending more than a hour sitting there.



The theme that has been built on the top of this temple (zoom it and see) is one of the best event from our mythology - Samudra manthana or churning of the ocean using a mountain as churning rod and the king of the serpents as churning rope, to obtain the nectar. You can get a glimpse by going through the Wiki Link , but this is very intense and blended into our culture and relates to all other divine presence.


And then the theme on the other side is quite fascinating as well - it portrays presence of all the Gods around ShriRam and Maa Sita - ShriRam being avatar of Lord Vishnu borne as human and Maa Sita, his wife. You can see how it relates the heavenly attachment to humanity - reminded me about our childhood when Mom used to tell all these legends.


Coming back, we noticed this Nag Champa or cannonball tree, that usually grows near the Shiva temple. The flowers have very strong fragrance and it's believed cobras stay in this tree, but we also believe cobras are semi-divine and stay near the temple because they are pets of Lord Shiva abiding in his neck. And they won't hurt anyone, unless they are hurt - and believe me, it's true, I have encountered it several times - that's the power of belief. And we don't grow this tree at our home for that reason.



Tried to capture the flower by zooming in, but this was the best shot as the evening was approaching. And look at the massive size of the fruit.



This post will be part of my google review of this place, and if you do not know the power of sharing, then one of my google review photo is trending in internet and that review has our HIVE post as the reference to full review. Isn't that sweet ? I will share more about it....



Edit : Google review at https://goo.gl/maps/rYQoUz31xoE6uB6w7

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