RE: A Brief Jaunt to Spain and Goin to Church

Nah didn't miss it, was actually feeling embarrassed as it didn't feel finished when I uploaded it. That explains why I don't see any Relaxo related curation posts, don't really know who either of them are. Pretty sure the upvote was accidental but I'll take what I get and be grateful.

It's a great tag sentence but as per usual I write for my fans, which basically means... Fuck I got 78 followers! Now that's what impresses me.

Best ©dandays You even got Relaxo to lift a finger

It'd be more meaningful if I knew who he was, probably 👊

I consider votes from people like you,nine,ed,dreem,insane,brandt yadda yadda I'm on my phone and can't be assed to type anymore names.

Those votes?
Now that shit counts for something

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