A ride on an old Roman bridge that is still walkable. - Italy -

Hello to all travellers and lovers of the beauty of our planet.

Last weekend, thanks to a very warm spring day, I decided to take a walk through a small Italian village called Bobbio, located in Emilia Romagna.

Its peculiarity is not only that it still retains its medieval appearance with narrow streets, stone houses and picturesque palaces.

The symbol of Bobbio is its Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge), also called the Gobbo (Hunchback), which crosses the Trebbia River.

A bridge from Roman times that has been rebuilt several times throughout history, but in which the oldest parts are still visible today.

The Hunchback Bridge owes its name to the eleven arches of irregular shape and height and is 273 metres long.

This architecture, according to the researcher Carla Glori, can be found in the background of Leonardo da Vinci's famous Mona Lisa.

The town's main square is the striking Piazza del Duomo dominated by the beautiful Romanesque Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, built in 1075.

The cathedral is flanked on either side by two bell towers. Inside, it is divided into 3 naves and has beautiful neo-Byzantine decorations.

It was a pleasant surprise to visit this small village, to walk on its ancient Roman cobblestones, to look at the small shops in the narrow streets typical of medieval towns.

My country is full of small ancient towns that still hold the treasures of their glorious past.

It feels like being in a place where time has stood still and you find yourself for a moment back in history, in times long past.

It is really very evocative.

Then I rested in a café overlooking the cathedral and enjoyed the view for quite a while.

Thank you very much for stopping by my blog. See you soon..😀

The photos are my property, taken with my mobile phone.

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