My raw experience at 'Beribadh' - Dhaka.

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Living nearby a river would be a dream come true for many. I'm not sure if you would agree after exploring this river though. I find this is a very busy river with all the ships and boats, the whole area is full of hustle and bustle.

Although it's not as calm and peaceful as you may expect. But the river view will surely refresh your mind.

This was my first-time visit to this riverside. Let me share my experience.

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Mohammadpur Beribadh is a well-known area in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I have heard about this place so many times but never had the chance to visit it. I'm not sure if I would tag it as fortunate to have this opportunity.

Because of my tone of expressing myself, you may have already guessed I didn't enjoy my tour.

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I will give you my raw experience.

  • First of all the place is very crowded. It's one of the major recreational places for the dwellers. I wouldn't mind the crowd but it's not family friendly at all. I find some of the visitors were smoking joints which is illegal in my country.

  • The river itself is way more polluted. You can see the black river water in the photos, they stink. It feels like I'm standing beside a huge drainage.

  • The side of the river was full of waste. There's no clean place to sit and enjoy the river view.

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Moreover, there were so many mosquitos that we couldn't stand in the walkway around the river that much too.

It was a rainy day and I find no shade or sitting arrangement for the visitor anywhere in the place. Seems like it's not for the visitors at all but just a riverside.

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Fortunately, this railing was the only place where people got something to seat and spend some more time.

  • You will find many small vendors selling food items, toys, cigarettes, etc on the walkway. But you will not find anything good nearby.

I'm sorry, I may sound pretty negative about this place. Whereas you may have heard many good things about the place. I have heard that if you go to the other side of the river by boat you can explore the greenery and have a relaxing day over there.

But it was already evening and we didn't take the risk as I have heard that this area is popular for robbery as well!

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Fortunately, we took a 15-minute boat ride and that was the only good thing in our tour. It was a bit scary as the boats were very small and it was wobbling heavily. But we enjoyed the ride, we saw the ships from close and went on the other side as well.

But we didn't stay longer as it was getting dark.

That was it, not very uplifting but a different kind of experience surely.

I may not visit the place again. But one thing I have to approve and that is there are some restaurants just on the way to the Beribadh. We dine in one of it and seems like they serve good food.

Personally, I would recommend taking a seat in the restaurant, enjoying the good food while watching the river from afar. That would feel much better, I believe.

I'm sorry if my words offended you. This is my very personal experience, you may not agree with it.

Have a good day, everyone.

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