Trekking To Tegalalang

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit Tegalalang Rice Fields with my clients, accompanied by our guide, Ketut Plikes. The trek started challenging as we descended to the valley floor, using walking sticks to help with the steep terrain. Despite the physical exertion, the lush greenery and serene surroundings made the journey very rewarding.

We crossed a quaint bridge over a gentle river and came to another hill with expansive rice fields. As we climbed, the beautiful terraced landscapes unfolded before us, with distant accommodations nestled in the valleys.

During our trek, we saw adventurous activities like swinging and ziplining. These activities added excitement to the tranquil setting and showed us the adventurous spirit of Bali.

We also witnessed traditional rice harvesting, which provided a glimpse into the agricultural traditions of Bali. It was fascinating to see the local farmers at work and to learn about their methods.

At the top of our journey, we reached a woodcarver's humble home, where we had refreshing coconuts. We talked with the woodcarver's son, who shared stories of his travels and work on cruise ships before the pandemic. His stories gave us a deeper understanding of Balinese life and culture.

We continued through a charming village with temples and traditional houses and met friendly locals. Our guide’s interactions with the villagers showed us the diverse and interconnected elements of Balinese culture.

As our trek ended, we said goodbye to Ketut Plikes, who was ready for his next adventure with new clients. My clients felt satisfied with the experience, even though they were physically tired. For them, exploring the rice fields was a memorable and enriching adventure, showing the natural beauty and cultural diversity of Bali.

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