A Scenic Ride to Sidi Tapa Waterfall, Bali

I had a plan of visiting two waterfalls that day. They were located about 7 kilometers apart from each other. The first I wanted to visit was called Yeh Mecebur waterfall, and the second was Sidi Tapa waterfall.

So, I embarked on another motorcycle adventure to Penyaringan Village where the two waterfalls were located. It was still about 7 AM when I began to get into village road among the plantation of cocoa, coconuts, bananas and tamarinds.

When I arrived at the location pointed by the map, I could not find the first waterfall. Instead, I ended up in a bridge overlooking a lush view of the forest and the river beneath. The waterfall maybe near from the river was, but I could not find any path to reach it.

I did not see anybody to ask, only ducks playing and swimming on the river below. Well, I wouldn't disturb them.

I hit the road again while thinking I would try to find this waterfall again later. This time I was going to go to the second waterfall.

The route to the second waterfall was easier. The road was better and well-paved. With the sun ray casting shadows of trees on the road, the view look pretty. Later, I saw signage indicating where to go on the road to reach the Sidi Tapa waterfall.

Arriving at the location, I saw a wooden entrance to get into the waterfall area. Obviously, this destination was managed well by the village. Walking pass the entrance, I stepped on a narrow wooden bridge.

The area beyond the bridge looked like a little park or flowers garden. There were various flowers plant around the area and the grass were well cut.

I saw quite a lot of coconut trees. While they look nice, the coconut trees could be a problem when coconuts start to fall from them.

I walked across the flower garden area until I saw another entrance. This entrance lead to stairs to go to the river below.

From the descending stairs, I could hear the water sound splashing constantly on rocks. That must have been the waterfall.

The river was visible as I continued to descend to the river bank. The river water looked a bit murky, this was because of the heavy rain the night before.

Finally I reached the river bank which was quite narrow and slippery to walk on. Only one person fit to walk at a time on this path located in the riverside.

I stepped slowly on the path approaching the waterfall in front of me. It was only 5 meters from the stairs. I began to see the waterfall.

The waterfall faced the river and I stood at the right side of it. I carefully climbed the rocks beside the waterfall, to get closer to it.

Since the water fall faced the river, I could not see it from the front side. I considered hopping down to the river, but I was not so sure about its depth, and the water current strength. But I was happy to be able to see the beauty of the place and the waterfall.

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