RE: Incredible India, Episode - #24: Kalimath Temple, Uttarakhand

So, the missing part is after killing "Raktbeej" and other demons she got a little carried away and almost out of control. It was like she is going to end this universe itself and seeing this people rushed to her husband, Shiva, who is the "Devo Ka Dev" (God of Gods) himself and one of the prominent figures in Hindu culture. He lay down in Kali's path and she put her feet over Shiva which made her anger go away and calmed her. This also made her blood-soaked tongue come out of her mouth in embarrassment. This is the most iconic figure and she is represented in this form.


She is represented holding a severed head and like a garland around her neck she has skulls. Pretty dramatic representation. And no wonder, she is worshiped by the Tantric (who performs 'Tantras' (Dark Magic, sort of )). I saw a lot of weapons being worshiped inside the temple; they were so cool! (Didn't took pictures just to maintain the decorum of the place)

And now you know the missing part!

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