To The Top! Finding our way to the top of the World.

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To the top of the World!

*The world is the place were we live in and for us it was the Himalayas in the Earth!

A World that has the most beautiful treasures that the human eyes can see! and in search of the heavenly view I decided to escape and find a way to peace! To the top, the top of my world The Mountain that I used to see since my childhood, so made a decision to climb it!*

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A beautiful day out here at Piu Thach. A place hidden in the valleys of Kullu Somewhere closer to Shegli Village.. I saw a trail, I did not had an idea that where it would led to. So that was the best thing for me!

To explore!

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The sun was over our heads, early afternoon time! The trees were feet and feet long blessing us with the most peaceful shade that a person can get. This place was all covered with the deodar trees.

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It was around 11 AM in the morning when we started our hike! An unknown one aiming to reach the top of the peak, no matter that to what top we would reach and this trail would led us to as here in the mountains the top was at everywhere, every single mountain had a top. We thought of just following the trail unknown and enjoy the peaceful hike through the woods.

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In just a picture it was hard to tell that how many different vegetations, flora and fauna could be seen, The Sky, The Clouds, Deodar Trees, Kyle Trees and other trees. The floor of the Woods had an essence of Brown hiving it a fall vibe in the summers!

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After a while passing through the trail we figured it out that this trail was usually used by the Gaddis- Shepherds and they used to uses these routes in order to find the Thaches- Grazing meadows.

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The woods seemed quite old as there were few trees that had fallen and few of them even got dried!

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It was more about getting closer and closer to the nature as we were stepping more and more inside the woods. It seemed like that the leaves had a lot to say and with the wind and the breeze they seemed like talking and they were even trying to communicate with us by make such peaceful voices.

There were even few trees that had feet and feet long Jungle vines along with them. Making the tree look like that it was helping the other vegetation of the place.

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As we continued to cover our expedition we saw various things about the trees, Few of them were cut by the humans and few of them wee broken down by themselves and few of by the changes in nature. As per the locals the trees that get totally dry are chopped by the people so that the timber could be used.

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As a dry fallen branch of the devdar tree could be seen in this picture.

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It was a total unknown, unnamed place guys and to be honest we were just following this magical trail and see that to where to takes us. There were several trails which was originating from the main single trail but as per our plan we wanted to reach to the top of the mountain so we were following the trail which was increasing the elevation.

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It was finally the time to take a break as we were just covering up the trail that had no end without taking any break. So we decided to stop at this spot.

A spot like this is usually a Himalayan Bears area as they are more tend to stay at such areas, A muddy place that even had a little bit of stream flowing, There even were few of the bear footsteps that we found on our way.

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A met a Gaddi Dog, A Himalayan Mastif dog at a point of our hike. These dogs are usually with the shepherds who guard the sheep’s and are extremely intelligent. A shepherd once told me that a Gaddi dog can even fight with a Himalayan Bear in order to protect the place or the Sheep’s.

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At this point the woods were getting less dense as we were reaching to the top! We were gaining the altitude that was the main reason about the change in vegetation, the different types of wild trees.

We were getting closer to the Non Tropical Zone, NTZ where the trees and other vegetation does not grow due to tough climatic conditions.

The Last Steps to the End of Tree Line!

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At this point of our hike we came to the end of tree line.

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The whole Pir Panjal Himalayan Mountain range could be seen from this location. The Heavenly peaks of Deo Tibba and Indrasan were standing High Behind the blissful Clouds. Making them a bit hidden. The peaks where were seen from this location were the peaks of Pir Panjal and Most of them were still unclimbed, Unexplored.

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It took us around more than two hours to reach this place above the Tree Line, The Non Tropical Zone. The views from this place were insane. The whole Kullu Valley was visible from this point of location.

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Though we were quite tired enough but the heavenly view like this was something that the camera would have even captured before!
I tried to capture the photographs from all the sides as each different perspective had a different view, had a different story, had a different range of Himalayas experiencing different seasons.

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Though it would be the last flower at such an altitude in the valley!
Just see guys that how such a flower like this could withstand the fastest blowing in the valley being quite delicate from outside flowers like these have adopted themselves to be strong. Sometimes nature also teaches us a lot of thing by providing such and incredible live examples in front of us.

Just so let me know if anyone has any sort of information about flower like these, in the comment section.

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So thats all for today guys! I hope you liked it.
All the photographs are captured by me using my iPhone 12 and are unedited. So that you guys could actually get this true essence of the place.

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Thanks for your precious time. 🙏
Love from the Himalayas. ❤️

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