Exploring The Ancient Deepak Taal of Spiti Valley. A Heavenly Lake in The Cold Desert of Himalayas.


Juley Everyone!

A new day a new adventure but on the same Land. Hiya! I’m back with another post from Spiti Valley. It’s Part 2 guys!! If you have not gone through Part 1 here’s the link for that.



So in my last post about Spiti Valley I shared the whole journey that how ere reached till the tributary of Deepak Tal, Few Adventures of Kaspar a Siberian Husky who accompanied us throughout the whole journey.


In this Post I will be sharing my whole journey of exploring The hidden gem of this mysterious Moon Land naming Deepak Tal which is a lake situated at a location about 20km form Jispa and 43 KM form Keylong by the side of Manali Leh Highway.



The Drive form Jispa to Deepak Tal was really very scenic, the whole pathway had a unique charm of ambience in itself. As at few places we had to drive over the frozen glacier and at few places there was a dry desert.


The whole region was seen visible as the desert region except the huge mountain peaks which were still covered up with snow even in the hottest month of the whole year.


The mountain peaks which were seen visible were all formed us of huge magnificent rocks over which a thick sheet of snow was covering it.



This place was really a wonder guys!! Because I have never seen a place like this in my whole life. This place is truly said to be the moon Land of the Earth because of its unique features and heavenly views.


Historians believe that these mountains shines during the darkest night sometimes and they believe that a lot of gem stones and minerals are there in these huge rocks. Many climbers tried to climb these mighty ones but failed!


Just imaging guys how difficulties would have the ancient people have faced when they settled at this harsh heaven. At that times there was no advancements like we have today. Still this whole region is living its ancient life. As per the rumours I heard form the local people this region has some link from extraterrestrial ones and many times a bright light was seen in the sky.


At every single turn a different view could be seen from the window of our vehicle. Having deep curves at this place made this road a risky one.


This mighty Shrinkhula peaks could be seen from this place. These peaks were at an altitude about 6500m form the sea level.


As we were driving towards Deepak Tal a traffic jam was there when I got to Know about the information that what caused this Jam I was shocked.


A serious road accident took place just a few minutes earlier. When I got to know about the cause of this accident it was said that the driver of the Truck was a motorcycle coming form the opposite side of the lane. Suddenly the truck driver turned to save him as he was in a great speed the driver feel form the hill and went off the road. The injury was really very serious but the truck driver saved the life of biker and took his life to risk.


The whole drive was just really stunning and we almost covered about 15KM distance till now.


As we were covering up the distance more of our journey was becoming adventurous and at this place a huge river was dried and at any time it could flow through the road anytime.


The process of evaporation could be seen from this place form our naked eye at the snow over the huge peaks was melting and freshly clouds were formed as the end result.


During our journey we also encountered the most longest iron bridge of this whole valley. This bridge was all formed up of iron and nut bolts.

The POV View seen form our window


At this time we were above the tree line and it was Non Tropical Zone. Nothing grows at this region not env the dry grass!



The dryness of this region could not even hold up the soil thus the soil becomes weak the region gets prone to Landslides and this JCB was clearly the blocked path.




It was just a new adventure to drive at this place guys as at every different curve there was something going on....


Road getting narrower and narrower


As we saw our location on the GPS device were were about to reach at our destination.

Finally parking our 4WD vehicle.



We just few steps away form our destination. I was really very excited to to see this heavenly gem of Spiti Valley and make todays day a special one too..

My Friends started recording the journey

Here We Go
The Heavenly Deepak Tal


So we finally reached our destination at 3PM noon and drove to this place form about three hours.


Though there was a lot of unusual Himalayan road traffic but nothing stopped us form completing this expedition.


The place which I visited in part 1 was the tributary of Deepak Tal which could be seen behind the mighty mountains.


The mountains are so mighty that only the narrower glacial river flows form there to this Heavenly lake.



A tiny part of this lake was also closer to the Leh Manali Highway.


All these photographs were captured by me using GoPro Hero 6 and were editing using adobe Lightroom.


The water of this lake was extremely cold and freezing. We didn’t went too close to this lake as this lake was a holy lake. So bathing and swimming was strictly prohibited.


So that’s all for today guys. I hope you liked it.

Thanks for your precious time.🙏

Love from The Himalays❤️

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