Birth place of Shri Swaminarayan "Chhapiya Dham".

Hello Hive community.

I hope you all are fine. I am also fine here. Today again after a break of few days I am making a post here.Today's post is based on religion and faith. Today's post is based on the main temple of Chappaiya, the birthplace of Lord Swaminarayan. Chappiya is a small village in Basti district of Uttar Pradesh state of India. In the year 1781, a child named Ghanshyam Pandey was born who later came to be known as Lord Swaminarayan. Even if you read the entire biography of a child named Ghanshyam Pandey, you will realize that he was God himself. If I don't give you the information from the depth and above, I will tell you the biography of Ghanshyam Pandey here.

Ghanshyam Pandey was born in Chappaiya, a small village in Uttar Pradesh. At the age of 11, his parents passed away, but Ghanshyam Pandey did not make his parents aware of their nature and sent them to heaven. It was not even 15 days after his father's death that he left his home to do penance and wandering. At that time Ghanshyam Pandey was only 11 years old. Ghanshyam Pandey had 2 brothers named Ayoghyaprasad and Raghuveerjiprasad. During the migration, Ghanshyam Pandey was known as Neelkanth Varani. He started his journey from Ayodhya via Badrinath to Mansarovar. At that time it was really impossible for a common man to visit Mansarovar without any road or accommodation. It is mentioned in his scriptures that he also did penance. From there, Ghanshyam Pandey went from Nepal to Kamakshi and Jagannath Puri. He left from Jagannathpuri and reached Melukot via Rameswaram and Kanyakumari. From Melukot through Pandharpur to Buranpur and settled in a lodge village in Gujarat. Ghanshyam Pandey did this entire pilgrimage for 7 years 1 month and 11 days. In which he covered a distance of about 12000 kilometers on foot. It's not really a normal person's job to do so much at such a young age. I will finish the talk of Vicharan here because many people will also be curious to know everything else.

The temple seen in the above photograph is a temple built at the birthplace of Lord Swaminarayan. People who follow the Swaminarayan religion come here out of necessity for a one-time darshan. This place is really peaceful and beautiful. There are also excellent facilities for staying here and eating and drinking so that people coming from far away do not face any problem.

This photograph shows the side of the temple. The temple is made of white marble stones. It is mentioned in the scriptures that Swaminarayan was an influential leader and a spiritual reformer as well. Swaminarayan traveled extensively throughout India during his lifetime as I told you above.

The white umbrella made in the courtyard of the temple looks beautiful. Tulsi plants are growing in the central part of the umbrella. Tulsi has many properties which are very good for health. These plants also spread their teachings of morality and service.

There is a Ganges water well in the side part of the temple. Ghanshyam Pandey has bathed with the water of this Gangajaliya well for 11 years. Not only that, the whole family has used the water of this well, this well is really very holy. Even after 220 years this well is well maintained.

There is a huge tree in the courtyard next to the temple. Its shade and coolness are unforgettable. Many seating arrangements are also placed in the shade of this tall tree. It is visible on the back side where there is a provision of no room for forward stopping. To prevent this, the renovation work of the rooms is going on and arrangements are being made for modern accommodation.

The temple seen in the three photographs above is the main birthplace of Ghanshyam Pandey. Ghanshyam Pandey was born in her sanctum sanctorum. There is a cell ahead, the photograph of which I will share with you right here. This marble temple is built on his house so that the birthplace can be preserved for a long time.

The statue installed in the photo above is of Ghanshyam Pandey. Who also sits here and gives darshan to devotees every day. Behind them is printed in large letters on a blue screen. Chappaiya is written in Gujarati language. Ghanshyam Pandey spent most of his time in Gujarat, so there is a large following of the Swaminarayan sect in Gujarat.

Now the photographs are of the inside of the Mandir. This photograph describes the beautiful Kota work and beauty of the temple. Each pillar connecting the temple has beautiful carvings and carvings. The entire temple is made of white marble stone. The specialty of white marble is that it keeps its cool even when it is very hot in summer.

As I told you earlier, the temple is built on the place where Ghanshyam Pandey was born. In this photograph, the sanctum sanctorum side has been preserved and the place of birth preserved. In this part, the idols are placed in which Mother Bhakti Devi, Ghanshyam Pandey and their family are seen. There is a small part of the land that is also open, from there it is considered auspicious to climb on the Prasadi soil.

All three photographs above are from night time. At night, the temple looks beautiful due to the light. I hope you like my post.

With that, I will end my post today. The photographs that I have put here in this post were captured by me in the camera and the information is read in the scriptures.

In today's post I have shared with you a lot of information about Birth place of Shri Swaminarayan and Chhapiya Dham. I hope you like my post as much as possible.

I sincerely thank you for visiting and reading my post.

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