Beautiful and famous temple "Shamlaji".

Hello Hive community.

I hope you all are fine. I am also fine here. Today I am once again making a post after a long time. In today's post we can see the conviction of the spiritual god place in India. This famous place is the temple of Shamlaji. In today's post, I will also give you the photographs of Shamlaji's temple and the information about how to reach this temple. Shamlaji is a famous temple located in Aravalli district of Gujarat state of India. Lord Vishnu is worshiped in this temple and people come here from far and wide to see Lord Vishnu. The temple of Shamlaji is located at a distance of 120 km from Ahmedabad city. It takes about 2 hours to reach Shamlaji temple from Ahmedabad.

The temple of Shamlaji is one of the temples in the Puranic temple. This temple was built in 11th century. The entire temple is built of stones. The stones on the outer side are carved with beautiful designs of goddesses. The beautiful and holy river Meshwa is flowing from the side of Shamalji temple. As soon as you enter the Shamlaji temple premises, you feel peace. There are entrance gates on all sides of this temple.

The first photograph in the above photographs is the main entrance of the temple. This entrance is located on the opposite side of the temple. In the upper part of this door, a beautiful carving of the statue of Lord Vishnu has been made in stone. A huge elephant statue is placed near the pillar on the other side. Apart from that, there are idols of deities placed on the pillar and top of the door and beautiful designs are carved on the sheela.

The day we went for darshan of Shamalji Temple was Poonam. A large number of people come here to have darshan of Lord Vishnu on the day of Poonam. This photograph was captured while entering the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. There was a large presence of devotees on that day. People are going to have darshan of Lord Vishnu in a line which can be seen in this photograph. Apart from that, Lord Vishnu is also seen in this photograph.

The entire Shamlaji temple can be seen in this photograph. After the main entrance of the temple there is a gate to go inside the temple. Here the pilgrims are entering the temple from the line to have the darshan of Lord Vishnu. The temple administration has also put up rotatable tents to avoid the afternoon sun.

told you earlier that this temple is mythical. The temple of Shamlaji was built in the 11th century. There are beautiful carvings on the walls of the temple. A white flag is flying on top of the temple. This temple is situated between the mountain ranges of Aravalli. The beautiful natural scenery of the mountain range can also be seen from the courtyard of the temple.

This gate is the side part of the temple. Devotees coming out of the temple after darshan come through this gate. A very good arrangement has been made here for darshan. Every devotee who comes to the temple comes out of the temple with his shoes on. So, arrangements have been made for foot burns due to the sun in the temple premises.

There are photographs of the back of the temple. In which the engraving on the wall of the temple is captured in such a way that you can see it.

A large number of devotees throng here during Poonam days. There is also a beautiful arrangement of sitting and stopping here to maintain the order of these devotees. Apart from that, there are also mythological monuments built in the temple premises. Indeed, Shamlaji should be visited once. If you come here once, this is a sacred place that you will want to visit again and again.

The temple complex is very big. Apart from the main temple, many other small temples are also located here. The photographs of which have been shared with you here.

There is a beautiful market on the exit side of the temple premises. There are shops for toys and essentials on both sides of the road.

If you like my post about famous temple "Shamlaji" and do you like my photographs, please let me know.

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