Today's visit to Bergamo Alta!

This morning, I was invited to lunch by my aunt who lives in Bergamo and so I thought, together with my dad, to take a tour of the oldest part of Bergamo, the upper part where it is usually packed with people and tourists.

I didn't think I'd have to queue for half an hour at the funicular, because first you have to take a bus and then you have to go up through the funicular, otherwise you can go up on foot, but it's a struggle!

This funicular is over 100 years old and is still in use today, taking you up to the city's fortress and then on to the old square.

You should know that this part of the city has medieval origins, but there was also Venetian influence because there are about 6 kilometres of walls here.

This staircase leads up to the city's highest tower, from where there is a 360° panorama of the city and the Po Valley.

It's a shame that this morning the weather was so bad, I'm always so unlucky with the weather lately.

In the cathedral square you can see the city's main church, the Colleoni chapel, the baptistery and the basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.

a very beautiful square, by the way these pictures are from this morning and it was full of tourists finally!!!

They are such jokers here, if you try to steal a plant you have a sort of curse on it... how funny.

We came back down the beautiful staircase, which I recommend only downhill.

In the meantime, on the way down to the car, I was able to admire the landscape and also see the Alps, which still have some snow on them.

I hope you enjoyed my article, it was a bit quick but I wanted to introduce you to this part of Italy that is definitely worth visiting!

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