
Hi, I wrote this post in English and Slovak language.


Today we will go for a walk around the city of Zvolen. It is a city located in central Slovakia. We chose the trip here because there are many interesting and historical monuments in the city itself and in its surroundings, which we would like to see.


We check in, put down our things and go for a walk in the city center. The center is spacious and there are various shops and restaurants on both sides. That's a good thing because we got hungry along the way. Before we continue our walk, we go to one of the restaurants to eat.


The town of Zvolen is one of the oldest towns in Slovakia. Permanent human presence on this territory dates back to 5000 BC. The first written mention of the city is from 1135. A hundred years later, King Belo IV. elevates it to a free royal city. This is also proof of its important position in the Middle Ages.


Zvolen is one of the few towns with two castles. The deserted castle, which I wrote about in the previous post, and the Chosen Castle. It is located on a small hill right in the city.


After the Mongol invasion, the inhabitants of the city relied primarily on the Deserted Castle, which they fortified and thereby significantly strengthened. Its importance gradually declined and the center of interest was the castle built in the city.


Zvolen Castle was built by King Ludovít I. It served him as a hunting castle. He took the Italian city castles as a model. Due to the onslaught of the Ottomans, several defensive elements were gradually placed on the castle. They added another floor with embrasures and an outer fortification with four towers. Finally, they also built an artillery bastion next to it.


In 1548, it was modified in the Renaissance style, and its appearance at that time has been practically preserved to this day.


Hard times usually come after the boom period. That was also the case with the city of Zvolen. These occurred after the Battle of Mohács. The Hungarian defense collapsed and the Ottoman troops reached a distance of 50 km from the city. For defense, walls were built around the city and there was a permanent military garrison in it. There was a good reason for it. This region was an important mining region and the mines had to be defended.


Even estate uprisings did not bring prosperity to the city. During the last and biggest uprising of Francis II. Rákoczi, the city joined his side. In 1621, after the defeat of the Turks, the city was looted and burned by the imperial army.


Fortunately, the development of trade and the support of crafts helped the city to recover. Another positive factor was the development of the railway. Already in 1871, the Salgótarján - Zvolen track was established.


The railway also played an important role during the Second World War. Zvolen became one of the centers of resistance to the German occupation in the Slovak National Uprising. The local railway repair shops produced three armored trains that took part in the battles. One of them is displayed in the city park.


I photographed this monument at night. The train is nicely lit and the night gives it a unique atmosphere.


We walked around the city center during the day and at night. If we were here longer, we would definitely visit other monuments in the city, for example the church. But we are going to look further, for another adventure.

Thank you.


Dnes sa pôjdeme prejsť po meste Zvolen. Je to mesto ktoré sa nachádza na strednom Slovensku. Výlet sem sme si zvolili pretože v samotnom meste a v jeho okolí sa nachádza viacero zaujímavosti a historických pamiatok, ktoré by sme si radi pozreli.


Ubytujeme sa, zložíme svoje veci a ideme sa prejsť po centre mesta. Centrum je priestranné a po jednej aj druhej strane sú rôzne obchody a reštaurácie. To je dobré, pretože sme po ceste vyhladli. Predtým, ako budeme vo svojej prechádzke pokračovať sa ideme najesť do jednej z reštaurácií.


Mesto Zvolen je jedným z najstarších miest na Slovensku. Trvalá ľudská prítomnosť na tomto území sa datuje do roku 5000 pred Kristom. Prvá písomná zmienka o meste je z roku 1135. O sto rokov neskôr ho kráľ Belo IV. povyšuje na slobodné kráľovské mesto. Aj to je dôkazom jeho významného postavenia v stredoveku.


Zvolen má ako jedno z mála miest dva hrady. Pustý hrad, o ktorom som vám písal v predchádzajúcom príspevku a Zvolenský zámok. Ten sa nachádza na malej vyvýšenine priamo v meste.


Po mongolskom vpáde sa obyvatelia mesta spoliehali predovšetkým na Pustý hrad, ktorý opevnili a tým ho výrazne posilnili. Jeho význam postupne upadal a v centre záujmu bol hrad postavený v meste.


Zvolenský zámok dal postaviť kráľ Ľudovít I. Slúžil mu ako poľovnícky zámok. Ako vzor si vzal talianske mestské kastely. Kvôli náporu Osmanov pristavali na zámku postupne viacero obranných prvkov. Pristavali k nemu ďalšie poschodie so strieľňami aj vonkajšie opevnenie so štyrmi vežami. Nakoniec k nemu pristavali aj delostrelecký bastion.


V roku 1548 ho renesančne upravili a jeho vtedajšia podoba sa zachovala prakticky do dnes.


Po období rozkvetu väčšinou prídu ťažšie časi. Tak to bolo aj v prípade mesta Zvolen. Tie nastali po bitke pri Moháči. Uhorská obrana sa rozpadla a osmanské vojská sa dostali na vzdialenosť 50 km od mesta. Na obranu sa okolo mesta vybudovali hradby a bola v ňom stála vojenská posádka. Malo to dobrý dôvod. Tento región bol významným banským regiónom a bane bolo nutné brániť.


Ani stavovské povstania nepriniesli mestu prosperitu. Pri poslednom a najväčšom povstaní Františka II. Rákocziho sa mesto pridalo na jeho stranu. V roku 1621, po porážke kurucov bolo mesto vyrabované a vypálené cisárskou armádou.


Našťastie rozvoj obchodu a podpora remesiel pomohla mestu spamätať sa. Ďalším pozitívnym faktorom bol rozvoj železnice. Už v roku 1871 vznikla trať Salgótarján - Zvolen.


Železnica hrala významnú úlohu aj počas Druhej svetovej vojny. Zvolen sa stal jedným z centier odporu voči nemeckej okupácii v Slovenskom národnom povstaní. Tunajšie železničné opravovne vyrobili tri pancierové vlaky, ktoré sa zúčastnili bojov. Jeden z nich je vystavený v mestskom parku.


Túto pamiatku som vyfotografoval v noci. Vlak je pekne nasvietený a noc mu dáva jedinečnú atmosféru.


Po centre mesta sme sa prešli cez deň aj v noci. Ak by sme tu boli dlhšie tak by sme určite navštívili aj ďalšie pamiatky v meste, napríklad kostol. My sa ale ideme pozrieť ďalej, za ďalším dobrodružstvom.


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