

I wrote this post in English and Slovak language.

I mentioned that this year we adapted our trips mainly to our children. Our goal was for them to learn something new, to learn, but also to play and have fun. And that's why our friends and I went on a trip to the Madonan farm near Bojničky.


I had never heard of this place before, but friends told us about it. We did not hesitate and set off together.


We enter the area and as soon as we bought the tickets, we go to see the animals that live here. It is a farm and therefore you can see animals that are typical of Slovak farming. Nowadays, animals are rarely kept in households and even then only in the countryside. Sometimes a farm where domestic animals were kept was part of every house. They were mostly bred for domestic consumption, or their products were used for barter. Now we buy everything we need in supermarkets. It is better? Probably difficult because homemade meat, butter and eggs cannot be compared with those from the supermarket. Homemade ones are tastier and definitely healthier. But for free, times have changed.


Our children probably liked the llamas the most. It could be seen that the animals on this farm are used to people and like children. They quickly ran to us as soon as we approached their enclosure and expected us to give them something good to eat.


These three horses are beautiful. They even posed nicely in front of the camera, as if they were models.


It's a hot summer day and this pig won't let anything or anyone disturb him while relaxing. And I must say that there were quite a few of us and we made quite a lot of noise.


Geese could not be missing on any proper farm, and they have them here as well.


In addition to animals, there are other attractions for children in Madonan. One of them is this huge trampoline. I have to admit that both children and adults jumped on it.


There is a children's playground, a sandpit, several slides and a climbing frame or archery. However, I'm looking for traditional attractions, and I found just such here. It's milking a cow. My daughter tried it herself.


There are several antiques in the area that once helped the people on the farm a lot. One of them is this old scale.


Or this old wooden carriage.


The area is nice and the children had a lot of fun here. Tiredness is already visible on them. And so we slowly leave. This Praga V3S is parked in front of the entrance. I couldn't resist taking a picture of it, so I took a picture of it from several sides. I like old cars. I have a weakness for them.


It is a cargo off-road vehicle that was primarily used for the needs of the army. It was produced from 1953 to 1989. It was one of the best trucks of its time. And the reason? Its construction, together with its low weight, ensures good passage even on bad terrain. Really V3S will go everywhere.


Thank you

Po Slovensky

Spomínal som že tento rok sme naše výlety prispôsobovali predovšetkým našim deťom. Naším cieľom bolo aby sa niečo nové naučili, dozvedeli, ale popri tom aby sa zahrali a zabavili. A preto sme sa spolu s našimi kamarátmi vybrali na výlet na farmu Madonan pri Bojničkách.


Doteraz som o tomto mieste nepočul, ale kamaráti nám o ňom povedali. Neváhali sme a vyrazili sme spoločne na cestu.


Vchádzame do areálu a len čo sme si kúpili lístky, ideme sa pozrieť na zvieratá ktoré tu žijú. Je to farma a preto tu môžete vidieť zvieratá ktoré sú typické pre slovenské gazdovstvo. V súčasnosti sa už zvieratá chovajú v domácnostiach len zriedkavo a aj to iba na vidieku. Niekedy bol súčasťou každého domu statok, kde sa chovali domáce zvieratá. Väčšinou sa chovali pre domácu spotrebu, prípadne produkty z nich slúžili na výmenný obchod. Teraz si všetko potrebné kupujeme v supermarketoch. Je to lepšie? Asi ťažko pretože domáce mäso, maslo a vajcia sa nedajú s tými zo supermarketu porovnať. Domáce sú chutnejšie a určite aj zdravšie. Ale darmo, doba sa zmenila.


Lamy sa naším deťom páčili asi najviac. Bolo vidno, že zvieratá na tejto farme sú zvyknuté na ľudí a majú radi deti. Rýchlo k nám pribehli len čo sme sa priblížili k ich ohrade a očakávali že im dáme niečo dobré na jedenie.


Tieto tri koníky sú nádherné. Dokonca mi pred objektívom pekne pózovali, akoby to boli modelky.


Je horúci letný deň a toto prasa sa pri relaxovaní nenechá ničím a nikým rušiť. A to musím povedať že nás bolo dosť a robili sme celkom veľký hluk.


Husi nemohli chýbať na žiadnom poriadnom gazdovstve s majú ich aj tu.


Okrem zvierat sa v Madonane nachádzajú aj ďalšie atrakcie pre deti. Jednou z nich je táto obrovská trampolína. Musím sa priznať že si na nej zaskákali deti ale aj dospelí.


Je tu detské ihrisko, pieskovisko, viacero šmýkačiek a preliezok či streľba z luku. Ja však hľadám vetradičné atrakcie a práve takúto som tu našiel Je to dojenie kravy. Moja dcérka si to aj sama vyskúšala.


V areáli je viacero starožitností, ktoré kedysi ľuďom na statku veľmi pomáhali. Jednou z nich je táto stará váha.


Alebo tento starý drevený kočiar.


Areál je to pekný a deti sa tu poriadne vyskákali a zabavili. Už je na nich viditeľná únava. A tak pomaly odchádzame. Pred vchodom parkuje táto Praga V3S. To som si nemohol neodfotiť a tak som ju odfotil hneď z niekoľkých strán. Staré autá sa mi páčia. Mám na ne slabosť.


Je to nákladný terénny automobil ktorý slúžil predovšetkým pre potreby armády. Vyrábal sa od roku 1953 do roku 1989. Bol to jeden z najlepších nákladaných automobilov svojej doby. A dôvod? Jej konštrukcia spolu s nízkou hmotnosťou jej zabezpečuje dobrý prechod aj zlým terénom. Naozaj V3S prejde všade.



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