A free trip to the Pink Beach | Santa Cruz Island, Zamboanga City, Philippines

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What are the odds?

How often do you get a free trip?

You're lucky if you can experience it even once in your lifetime, right? Apparently, my charm works magic whenever I'm out of Cebu. In every single solo backpacking I did, I always got things for free! This trip is one of them. I previously shared why I ended up in this part of the Philippines. It's been hectic again lately but tonight's the night to continue chronicling my ZamBaSulTa trip.

I am not a blogger or vlogger IRL. I write here in Hive but never labeled myself a blogger. I'm just a girl who pens her adventures. My inspiration to write in Hive is not to get famous or be rich, I just want to have an avenue to document all my travels, especially in my quest to complete exploring the 81 Provinces of the Philippines. It's unlikely to get something for free if you're not a blogger or what they collectively call now influencer. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth giving a try! Haha

By Day 2, my looming fear subsided; it was replaced with anticipation and a growing eagerness to learn more about this part of my country. I high-spiritedly rode a jeepney towards Zamboanga's city center and walked my way to Paseo del Mar, which according to my research, is where I could find a boat that would take me to Santa Cruz Island.



It's easy to spot Paseo del Mar from afar. Aside from the mini port for boats heading to Santa Cruz, Paseo del Mar serves as one of the city's plaza (square or open parks). It's spacious, clean and vibrant. It was a sleepy square when I came here early in the morning but I heard that at night, it could get festive.







It was a Sunday when I visited here. I knew Santa Cruz Island is famous but I didn't know it was so famous that when I arrived to inquire about their boat schedule, the in charge told me they were fully booked. I honestly panicked for a while. I didn't have Plan B for that day; my heart and mind were set to see Santa Cruz Island.



And this was the part when things spiced up a bit. I told myself "By hook or by crock I need to find a boat!" After checking all available options, I was left with one viable way: hitchhiking. I've hitchhiked countless times in my entire life but I never thought I'd hitchhike a boat ride from Zamboanga City's Paseo del Mar to Santa Cruz Island that morning.

I found a family that got a reservation and humbly asked their permission to join them in their boat. I told them I'm willing to pay a portion of the boat fees. They were hesitant at first but after telling them that I was traveling alone and that I came all the way from Cebu to Zamboanga just to see Santa Cruz Island, they let me in. The family's head told me I didn't need to pay anything. Thank God! Heaven's must have heard my prayers! 🙏🏻😁




Welcome to the island

Even from afar, I knew Santa Cruz Island had more surprises in store for me and everyone else headed to her perfect shore that morning! The ride was short and peaceful, plus their Tourism Office is very strict, you need to wear a life vest the entire boat ride.




When we arrived, the first thing I did was confirm what time the family would return back to Paseo del Mar. They said around 3 in the afternoon. I had to be mindful of my actions; I don't want to be late when I'm just a nobody on their family trip. 🤣


There! I finally met Santa Cruz Island. If you're wondering what's one thing that made this island so notable, well it's its pink beach. The Philippines might be known for its countless white sand beaches such as Boracay and Alona in Panglao, but there are unique beaches such as the one in Santa Cruz Island. Prior to this trip, I visited Sorsogon's Matnog Beach still known for its pink beach, so pink beaches are nothing new to me, but still, it's worth paying a visit.

I had my supplies with me, food for lunch, water, and snack bars. I spent the first few minutes of my stay on the island under the shade of the trees, reading a book I packed when I left Cebu. It was a fine day to read while allowing the sea breeze to remind me of how blissful life is if I could just slow down and be in the moment.





At first, I didn't want to go far from where my foster family (LOL! 🤣) was staying. I was afraid they might decide to head back any time and leave me on my own. But I trust them that 3 pm is 3 pm! So I left the shade and explored the other end of the island.



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Pro tip: Go where people don't go. It might be scary especially when you're alone but after checking the other side of the island, it looked peaceful and harmless so I went for it!





Santa Cruz Island is relatively small; you could explore it in less than 1 hour given you don't take too many stops to take photos. 🤣

I know what's bothering you at this point: "Is it really pink?" I was a bit disappointed when the supposedly pink beach I was visiting that morning turned out to be just the usual beach in the Philippines, powdery and white. I honestly think that there's a right time to visit the beach when it's at its pinkest state but unfortunately, I wasn't able to consider this prior to booking this trip.

The photos I've seen online must've messed with my expectations, too. I've seen photos where Santa Cruz Island was as pink as Barbie's dress and house. I admit that there were traces of pink powderized corals combined with the white sand but not enough for the beach to glow in pink.





I asked strangers to take a few snaps of me but most of the time, I did it myself. I remember sands getting inside my phone speakers just to take the photos below! LOL! 🤣





I enjoyed the rest of the day swimming in the uncrowded part of the beach and before it was time to go, I was ready. I even moved closer to the family and waited until it was time to go back.


By the time we left, the island was as silent as a still night. Tourists were back in Zamboanga City Proper. It took time for our assigned boat to arrive so we waited a bit longer than planned.





"I can't tell if you're crazy or brave or both!"

As we were nearing back in Paseo del Mar, I could hear my friends say something like that. I'll be forever grateful to the family that adopted me on this trip.


Will you do it again? Do you mean hitchhiking on a solo backpacking? "Definitely!"



Living life intentionally every single day, she believes that there’s no limit to one’s potential. Right now, she’s on the loose for the pursuit of endless holistic self-growth and development. She wants to light the way for others. She believes there’s no better way to leave a legacy than to pay it forward.

Her ultimate goal in life is to reach the state of enlightenment where there’s nothing but peace, love, happiness, and contentment - nothing more, nothing less.

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