Monasterio de Batalha🌍🧭 / Monasterio de batalla🏯

If I had to choose between the most beautiful monasteries that I have visited so far, I would definitely choose this one! This beautiful and large structure is located in the city of "Batalha" and must be one of the most visited tourist sites in Portugal for its structure and its great history! What do you think if you join me on this adventure!🍍🍍

Si tuviera que escoger entre los monasterios mas bonitos que e visitado hasta ahora sin duda me quedaria con este! esta hermosa y gran estructura se encuentra en la ciudad de "Batalha" y debe ser uno de los sitios turisticos mas visitados en Portugal por su estructura y su gran historia! que te parece si te unes conmigo a esta aventura!👸🤴💂‍♂️💂‍♀️🧭

An adventure into Portugal's past🙇‍♂️🏯🧭/ Una aventura hacia el pasado de mi pais🤴🌍

For centuries Portugal and Spain were great rivals, and within the Portuguese territory innumerable bloody battles were fought, this because the Spanish on many occasions tried to invade the country to take over our territory! but it was impossible for the Spanish to overcome one of the great world powers! and after many attempts, portugal managed to add many victories and monuments like these were created to remember our victories!🚩🌍👨‍💻
Durante siglos Portugal y España fueron grandes rivales, y dentro del territorio Portugues se libraron innumerables combates sangrientos, esto porque los Españoles en muchas ocasiones trataron de invadir el pais para hacerse con nuestro territorio! pero era imposible para los españoles superar a una de las grandes potencias mundiales! y tras muchos intentos portugal logro sumar muchas victorias y se crearon monumentos como estos para recordar nuestras victorias!🏯🤴🧭💂‍♀️💂‍♂️

one of the 7 wonders of portugal🤴🏯🌍

You will probably think that I am exaggerating when I tell you that this monument, which by the way was declared a World Heritage Site by "UNESCO", is considered one of the 7 wonders of the Portuguese country! amazing, right? generally tickets for these tourist sites are around "10 to 15" euros!😲🌍
Probablemente pensaras que estoy exagerando cuando te digo que este monumento que por cierto fue declarado patrimonio de la humanidad por la "UNESCO" esta considerado entre una de las 7 maravillas del pais luso! increible no? generalmente las entradas para estos sitios turisticos rondan los "10 a 15" euros!🌷🌼🌻🤑

Let's learn about the monastery🙇‍♂️🏯🧭/ Aprendamos sobre el monasterio🤴🌍

The monastery presents a beautiful "Gothic combined with Manueline" architecture, the origin of its construction dates back to the 13th century to be more exact in 1386, by "Santa Maria and Nuno together with King Juan I"; the objective to build this monument is to thank the "virgin mary" for the victory that the Portuguese obtained in the battle of "Aljubarrota", which was an attempt by the Spanish to conquer Portugal🌍🤯
El monasterio presenta una hermosa arquitectura "gotica combinada con manuelino", el origen de su construccion remonta en el siglo 13 para ser mas exacto en 1386, por "Santa maria y Nuno junto con el rey Juan I"; el objetivo para construir este monumento es para agradecer a la "virgen maria" por la victoria que obtuvieron los Portugueses en la batalla de "Aljubarrota", que fue un intento de los Españoles para conquistar Portugal 👨‍💻🧭💂‍♀️💂‍♂️🤴

A great Portuguese victory🤴🏯🌍

the battle of "Aljubarrota" is a little more complicated and in reality it was a Portuguese and English combat against Spain and France! It was a bloody war that left a balance of more than 10 thousand deaths😲🌍
la batalla de "Aljubarrota" es un poco mas complicada y en realidad fue un combate portugues e ingles contra españa y francia! fue una guerra sangrienta que dejo un saldo de mas de 10mil muertes⛔💯🏇

Always when we read about the construction of large structures like these we think that they are made in a single reign and this never happens, for example it took 2 centuries to be built practically 7 Portuguese kings passed! it is believed that its construction began in 1385 and culminated in 1517 at the beginning of the age of discoveries🏯🚩🏰
Siempre cuando leemos sobre la construccion de grandes estructuras como estas pensamos que son realizadas en un solo reinado y nunca sucede asi esta por ejemplo demoro 2 siglos para ser construida practicamente pasaron 7 reyes Portugueses! se cree que su construccion inicia en 1385 y culmina en 1517 en la entrada de la era de los descubrimientos💥7️⃣

Incredibly, to build this monastery, a total of 15 architects were needed, so that we have an idea of ​​how advanced its construction was, the techniques that were used at that time were unknown in Portugal! and this makes the monastery a piece of history perfected in many years of human and material work!💥🏰
Increiblemente para construir este monasterio se necesitaron un total de 15 arquitectos, para que tengamos una idea de lo avanzada que fue su construccion las tecnicas que fueron empleadas en esa epoca eran desconocidas en Portugal! y esto hace del monasterio un pedazo de historia perfeccionada en muchos años de trabajo humano y material!🦾🧠👁

More than 2 centuries of construction🤴🏯🌍

When we walk through the corridors of the monastery you feel that mysterious and magical atmosphere, just thinking that many Portuguese kings walked through these floors is something that is priceless! adding that inside you get many tombs of important people😲🌍
Cuando caminamos entre los pasillos del monasterio sientes ese ambiente misterioso y magico, de tan solo pensar que muchos reyes portugueses anduvieron por estos suelos es algo que no tiene precio! sumando que dentro consigues muchas tumbas de personas importantes⛔💯🏇

We not only had to defend ourselves from the Spanish troops but also from the powerful Napoleonic forces that looted and destroyed many important architectures, for example in the 17th century the monastery survived the great earthquake but in 1810 and 1811 the French destroyed a large part of the structure.🤔😥
No solo tuvimos que defendernos de las tropas españolas si no tambien la poderosa fuerza napoleonicas que saqueo y destruyo muchas arquitecturas importantes, por ejemplo en el siglo 17 el monasterio sobrevivio al gran terremoto pero en 1810 y 1811 los franceses destruyeron una gran parte de la estructura😨🤯

in 1834 after the "Dominicans" were expelled basically the monastery was abandoned and in ruins, later in 1840 the king "Fernando II" contributed to the restoration of many Portuguese historical sites, and began with the restoration of the monastery!🤩🤔
en 1834 luego de que expulsaron a los "dominicos" basicamente el monasterio quedo abandonado y en ruinas, posteriormente en 1840 el rey "Fernando II" contribuyo a la restauracion de muchos sitios historicos portugueses, y comenzo con la restauracion del monasterio!😮😮

Tribute to the nameless soldier🤴🏯🌍

Portugal was active in the first world war and there is something that caught my attention and I investigated about it! It turns out that when the counts of the people who lost their lives in this war were made, a soldier was not recognized and for years a symbolic tribute was given to all those lives lost in those battles and who never return home! 😲🌍
Portugal fue activo en la primera guerra mundial y hay algo que llamo mi atencion e investigue sobre eso! resulta que cuando se realizaron los conteos de las personas que perdieron la vida en esta guerra un soldado no fue reconocido y durante años se le dio un homenaje simbolico a todas esas vidas perdidas en esas batallas y que mas nunca regresan a casa!⛔💯🏇

In the 18th century when the French came to the territory to plunder, they desecrated many tombs of the Portuguese royalty, so the monastery underwent many restorations throughout history! including in the 20th century😮
en el siglo 18 cuando los franceses llegan al territorio a saquear, profanaron muchas tumbas de la realeza portuguesa, por lo que el monasterio sufrio muchas restauraciones a lo largo de la historia! incluyendo en el siglo 20😶🤐

I have to admit that it was a great experience. I learned a lot about Portugal and even more about general culture, since I was able to read a bit about the architectural styles of the monastery! It is a place that should be included in your agenda if you come to Portugal!😏🤩
Tengo que admitir que fue una gran experiencia aprendi mucho sobre portugal y aun mas sobre cultura general, ya que pude leer un poco sobre los estilos arquitectonicos del monasterio! es un sitio que debe ser incluido en tu agenda si vienes a portugal!🚙🛫🚩


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