Fall Images Around My Home

The Scenery

Images I have taken over the last several days as Fall winds its way into winter.

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Fall colors hanging on.


These and the following images were taken in the woods surrounding my home.

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The Animals, Seen and Unseen

These gray squirrels are never very easy to photograph. When you get close they usually hide from you on the opposite side of the tree. This one decided to stop and pose for a moment.

Horses preparing for the long winter.

A couple deer exploring the neighborhood for their nest meal.

Tracks of a bunny. In the 3 plus years I have lived here I'm not sure I have ever seen a rabbit. The only evidence seems to be tracks like these after a snowfall.


The Sunrise

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And finally, a quick run down the road from my house to catch a sunrise near town.

Please feel free to make comments or ask me any questions about this post.

Photos taken by me, @oldmans, with a Nikon D3300 and some Lightroom post processing.
Please visit Pinmapple to see the locations of some of my other posts.
Thanks for looking and enjoy your day!

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