Part II : Exploring the Royal Splendor Inside the Palacio Real de Madrid

"A monarchy is merely a symbol nowadays."

said our local tour guide. One thing I remembered from the tour in Palacio Real De Madrid. I find it's always complicated to put the right definition in this kind of thing as the world progressed and people questioned more and more about it. That's why, to me, it's so interesting to come to Europe and see how it was/ supposed to be and compare it to the present time.

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For the Part I : Me and My Misty Madrid Debut, I've shown you how we got here and started our trip with the "Palacio Real de Madrid". Today I wanted to continue on the tour and "try" to show you what's inside the grand palace, which nowadays is still being used for royal duties.

Why did I say "try"? Well, it's because they only allowed us to take pictures from the first few rooms at the beginning of the tour and after that, I just had to write after my memory and my sourced photos, which might not be super relied on.

Disclaimer: That's why some of the photos come from these 2 sources : patrimonionacional and

Still, there are some interesting things to see and to reflect on my modern-day relevance as I mentioned in the beginning.

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That's me on the right still cold despite being inside a heated building.

One thing I've always admired European baroque art style is the painting and the artwork on the walls and the ceilings. It hurts my neck already just to look up to it. I can't imagine how it'd be to hang from the ceiling and paint for weeks.

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Due to that hard work, I couldn't begin to argue that it's absolutely breathtakingly beautiful and worth it for the later generations to admire the work.

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Now, I'd like to show you some of the rooms where I was able to find pictures from the websites and the things I remembered about them.

🏰 the Colorful Rooms 🏰

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One thing I remembered quite distinctive from the tour is every room has its own personal color. For example, in the left picture is the green room, where the king keeps his favorite globe clock in the middle of the room.

Funnily enough, the local guide explained that the king loveddddd collecting clocks and watches and that's why we keep seeing them all over the place.

I guess that's one thing about obsession. You can obsess about a thing as far and as much as you can afford it. And if you're a king of Spain. It's the endless possibility for your obsession. Scary..


🏰 the Chinese Dressing Rooms 🏰

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This room was used for dressing the royal family. But.. no wardrobe or closet? I asked the guide and she said, they had servants to bring all of the stuff for them so no clothing will be kept there.

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This room is famous for the Chinese-style porcelain artwork on the ceiling. Since Spain has lots of history of traveling around and learning a lot about different cultures. I think this is how they "show off" what they learned (and adapted) into an art of decoration for the palace, which is nicely done and I must say, I'm pretty impressed.

🏰 the Bedroom 🏰

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"Such a small bed for a royal," I thought when I saw the room. I wasn't even sure it was a queen size bed. Then I learned that the royal family didn't actually sleep in the same bed as a commoner. They'll share a bed only when necessary occasion (if you know what I mean). The reason why they don't sleep in the same bed is because it creates more safety in case there are unfortunate events happen.

🏰 the Dining Room 🏰

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This is one of the rooms they still use in the present time. Whenever the royal family would have a grand gala dinner, they would organize it here. The room was super long and the table had the capacity to have hundreds of world leaders.

FYI: The most important people sit in the middle, not the long end of the table like in a movie. Still, I believe some would still wanna sit at the end of the table.

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🏰 the Throne Hall 🏰

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Interestingly, the throne hall is rectangular with the throne in the middle, which I find it hard to see from both far ends of the room.

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What I like though is the screaming color of RED! I mean, I expect nothing less from the most powerful room of all the palace to be in another color.

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Next to the throne room, they were displaying the crown and the scepter. It looked really heavy and unreal to put on the head of a human. But to this point, it's used as a symbol, so I guess it worked.

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🏰 the Church 🏰

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The guide explained that Spain is considered a quite religious country, so the royal needs to be a role model of having a church and a royal religious ceremony for the people. In this room, I can tell that they put a lot of work in there especially on the dome-shaped ceiling, letting the light keep the church bright and close to god. Back then when they were building it, it must have been so hard to create a perfectly engineered and architectured form of building like this. Kudos to them.

That's it, guys. That was the Royal Splendor Inside the Palacio Real de Madrid, I wanted to show you and before I bid you adieu to the cute souvenirs from the shops.

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The palace tour is over, but my first day in Madrid is still going on. I hope you guys can still join me for the traditional Spanish dinner in the next one. Until then...

Let's enjoy the beauty of the architecture and keep traveling, guys

Khob khun kaa,
Nomnomnoodle 🍜

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