Del Ceppo Hospital in Pistoia

Today I want to bring you a special place in the city near me, the strain hospital, now a place used for medical visits and reservations, once a real hospital. Legend has it that it was born from a flowering chestnut stump wanted by the Madonna herself and that for this reason it was built there in the center of Pistoia by two pious men as a city hospital. It was founded in 1277 on the idea of two church men and then made feasible by a congregation dedicated to Mary who wanted this place to be a place to host and care for the poor in need.

the hospital was fundamental during the plague epidemic of 1348 which swept through Pistoia, it became an important point of reference and many of the patients left their belongings to the hospital as a sign of gratitude for the care received, so the hospital found itself with a vast heritage that allowed GOI to expand and purchase more tools, helping the city more. The hospital was religious until 1500 but already with various problems because the administrations wanted to take it over for economic reasons, which they did in the 16th century. The current hospital is a series of renovations that continue to this day. The most striking part of this place is the frieze that covers the entire portico, a truly precious and famous frieze in every art history book for its length and particularity. The terracotta frieze (it is no coincidence that next to the hospital there is a shop that makes copies of the frieze and other terracotta sculptures) made by Santi Buglioni represents the seven works of charity, while the tondos are by Della Robbia made with extreme skill and they depict the annunciation, the glory and the visitation. A beautiful place to see and with a museum inside dedicated to ancient hospital methods which unfortunately was closed but which I intend to visit next time. A magnificent place that I recommend visiting if you come to Pistoia.

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