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Spreading Peace and Maintaining Culture in "Nyadran Perdamaian" agenda in Central Java (Indonesia)

I just remembered that before the covid-19 pandemic, where I worked there were cultural activities. This agenda is in collaboration with the surrounding community. The agenda is "Nyadran Perdamaian". This agenda is held in Central Java. Precisely in Krecek village - Gletuk village.

In fact, Nyadran's agenda comes from the culture of the Hindu community. So, the Nyadran agenda has indeed become the culture and culture of the Hindu community. However, in the Nyadran agenda which was held in 2020, not only Hindus were involved, but the entire village community was involved. Nyadran's agenda, which is a collaboration between the community and where I work, carries a mission of peace. Thus, the name of the agenda became "Nyadran Perdamaian".

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Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

Nyadran comes from the Sanskrit language which means belief. This can be interpreted as a tradition of cleaning the graves by the Javanese people. However, in Javanese, Nyadran comes from the word sadran which means "syakban". It can be interpreted that Nyadran is a cultural series that cleans the tomb to sprinkle flowers. But, at the end of the day, there is an agenda for eating together.

However, because the place where I work has a mission to spread peace to the community, we made the Nyadran concept wider and can be enjoyed by everyone. Interestingly, "Nyadran Perdamaian" Agenda is a collaboration between where I work and the surrounding community by involving many elements. Ranging from boys, men to women. So far, women's groups have never been involved in Nyadran's agenda.

Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

In the "Nyadran Perdamaian" agenda, it aims to spread the value of peace and harmony through friendship of different religions. Incidentally, this agenda involved two villages that were met with different religious backgrounds. Gletuk Village has a Muslim community background. Meanwhile, Krecek Village has a Hindu background.

Dalam agenda yang dilaksanakan selama dua hari ini terdapat beberapa kelas kebudayaan. Mulai dari kelas perempuan bertutur, kelas Karawitan, Kelas Meditasi, Kelas Japan Kepang dan Kelas Sesaji. Semua agenda agenda tersebut, untuk merawat kebudayaan yang ada di masyarakat. Dari agenda tersebut, ternyata menarik banyak pihak di luar dari dua desa tersebut. Terdapat sekitar 40 anak muda yang ikut agenda tersebut.

Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

In the two-day agenda, there are several cultural classes. Starting from the women's speaking class, Karawitan class, Meditation class, Jeran Kepang class and the Sasaji class. All agenda agenda, to care for the existing culture in society. From the agenda, it turns out that there are many parties outside the two villages. There are about 40 young people on the agenda.

Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

Actually, in some areas there is already a Nyadran culture. As in the Brebes area, it is carried out before the fasting month. Nyadran from Brebes is an acculturation between Islam and Hinduism. The agenda started with a grave pilgrimage to stay in touch. While the Hindu culture that is still being treated is the sintren culture carried out by virgin women.

Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

The interesting thing when I came at that time, “Nyadran Perdamaian” in 2020 became the agenda to make new changes to women's participation in the agenda. The women were present at the top of the agenda of "Nyadran Perdamaian". It makes women feel more confident. So far, women have never been involved in Nyadran's agenda from the start. Usually, women are only involved in cooking food.

Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

in the "Nyadran Perdamaian" agenda carried out between Krecek Village and Glutuk Hamlet, it has taught the values ​​of tolerance to culture to the young people involved. The act of "Nyadran Perdamaian" reminds young people to treat tradition. And apply these values ​​in social life.

Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

Picture By Nurdiani Latifah

Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

Picture by Nurdiani Latifah

About Author

Nurdiani Latifah

My name is Nurdiani Latifah. I currently live in Jakarta – Indonesia, after 25 years I live in Bandung. I am a media staff at an NGO in Indonesia. I have worked in this institution for almost 2 years on issues of women and peace. I had been a journalist in Bandung for 3 years.

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