Coolangatta, Queensland. Australia.

At the southern most end of Queensland’s famous Gold Coast is Coolangatta beach one of my most favourite places. The beach and its white sand is in my option world class, it just does not get much better.
At the southern most end of Queensland's famous Gold Coast is Coolangatta beach one of my most favourite places. The beach and its white sand is in my option world class, it just does not get much better.

I have been there many times over the years but never knew what the world actually meant, This information board said it all located in Queen Elizabeth Park. A very fitting Aboriginal word meaning ”Fine View” I could not argue with that, the views are spectacular every where you look.
I have been there many times over the years but never knew what the world actually meant, This information board said it all located in Queen Elizabeth Park. A very fitting Aboriginal word meaning "Fine View" I could not argue with that, the views are specular every where you look.

The surf was small and clean when we first arrived but as we walked the wind started to pick up and it turned a little choppy.
The surf was small and clean when we first arrived but as we walked the wind started to pick up and it turned a little choppy.

This is Greenmount beach looking towards Surfer Paradise Holiday apartments sky scrapers on the northern end of the gold coast
This is Greenmount beach looking towards Surfer Paradise Holiday apartments sky scrapers on the northern end of the gold coast

We have never seen a bush turkey sitting in a tree, there usually at ground level digging holes and building nests.
We have never seen a bush turkey sitting in a tree, there usually at ground level digging holes and building nests.

There were plenty of water dragons on the path around the Greenmount head land park.
There were plenty of water dragons on the path around the Greenmount head land park.

They are so used to all the tourists, they happily just watch carefully as you walk on by.
They are so used to all the tourists, they happily just watch carefully as you walk on by.

Rain Bow Bay and Snapper Rocks
Rainbow Bay and Snapper Rocks

Snapper Rocks is a famous surf spot in the right conditions, I am pretty sure it is part of the world surfing tour events.
Snapper Rocks is a famous surf spot in the right conditions, I am pretty sure it is part of the world surfing tour events.

Froggy Beach. There is a rock on the hill, painted green, that looks like a bit like frog.
Froggy Beach. There is a rock on the hill, painted green, that looks like a bit like frog.

You can just make out the green frog between two fronds, just right of centre.
You can just make out the green frog between two fronds, just right of centre.

Point Danger looking down to Duranbah Beach in New South Wales.
Point Danger looking down to Duranbah Beach in New South Wales.

The State border marker.
The State border marker.

After our walk, I did a swim from Rainbow Bay to the start of Coolangatta Beach @consciouscat was able to get a great action photo with the iconic Surfers paradise skyline.
After our walk, I did a swim from Rainbow Bay to the start of Coolangatta Beach @consciouscat was able to get a great action photo with the iconic Surfers paradise skyline.

It was only about a one kilometre swim but but I am a little out of practice.
It was only about a one kilometre swim but but I am a little out of practice.

Our walk before the swim
Our walk before the swim

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