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Travel to Prambanan Temple, a building that is 850 AD

Hi Hivers!

Welcome back to my blog, today I am traveling to Prambanan Temple.

Prambanan temple is a magnificent building which is one of the world's cultural heritages and has important historical value. This temple is located in the Prambanan tourist park, Prambanan village, Bokoharjo district, Sleman district, Yogyakarta. The building with an area of ​​about 80 hectares was built during the reign of Rakai Kayuwangi in 850 AD by Rakai Pukatan with a height of 47 meters. The Prambanan temple building consists of an outer courtyard with three courtyards, namely Jaba (outer court), Tengahan (middle court), Njeron (inner court). in each court there is a temple except the outer court where no building structure is found, in the middle court there are 224 temples with 4 rows of arrangement, the inner court or main court consists of 3 main temples namely 3 rides temples, 2 apit temples, 4 kelir temples 4 corner temples . From the first time the Prambanan temple was built, it was periodically refined in the following years, such as the expansion of the building and hundreds of additional temple buildings around the main temple as a place for the performance of important ceremonies of the Mataram kingdom.

The construction of the Prambanan temple is carried out based on Hindu inscriptions or books, as in the case of building architecture that is guided by the Wastu Sastra book based on Hindu architectural traditions. so that the Prambanan temple building has its own form and Hindu characteristics. In addition, in terms of the function of the temple, it has also been written in the inscription, namely the Parambanan temple serves as a place to glorify the god Shiva which is listed in the Swargha inscription in 856 AD, from this Prambanan temple has the original name, namely Siwargha which means 'house of Shiva'. ' or Siwalaya which means 'the realm of Shiva or 'the realm of Shiva'.

Apart from being a place of worship, Prambanan temple also functions as a form of learning and becomes a center for yatra (sacred journey in life) for Hindus, it can be marked by the various reliefs in Pramabanan temple which have derived meanings from various texts such as the Ramayana and symbols that are forms of prayer. for the god.

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