Ancient City Ephesus Selçuk,İzmir, TÜRKİYE

Hello, I would like to share the ancient city of Ephesus, where the secret stories of the past are kept, with you who like to know different cultures and visit the mysterious cities of the past. The ancient city of Ephesus was founded in 6000BC. During the excavations carried out in the last years settlements belonging to Bronze Age and the Hittite period were found. During the Hittite period, the name of the city was Apasas. Ephesus, which we visit today, was founded by Lysimakho, one of the generals of Alexander the Great, in 300BC. It is said that 200.000 people lived in the city's most glorious times.
The first photo I shared is of the entrance door of the city's library.img_1877_2_.jpg
These photos show the statues on both sides of the library entrance door.img_1878_2_.jpg
Notables of the city were buried in these large sarcophagi, this section is the city's cemetery.img_1858_2_.jpg
This is the road to the port, Ephesus was a port city, these places, which used to be sea, were filled with alluvial soils brought by the rivers over time and turned into fertile plains.The two sides of the road were full of shops, the goods brought by the ships were bought by the merchants here and the products produced here were sold to the ships.
The structure you see across is the city's magnificent theater.
The stage where the plays are staged.
If you come to the ancient city of Ephesus, you should definitely see the Terrace Houses.img_1900_2_.jpg
There are magnificent mosaics and wall paintings in these houses where the wealthy of the city lived.
One of the city's fountains, cold spring waters coming from the mountains flowed from these fountains.img_1928_2_.jpg
One of the city gates.Imagine people passing through this door in the past.
Photo of the library from a different angle.
One of the sweet cats living in the ancient city of Ephesus.
I like to visit ancient cities, I have always been interested in learning the stories of people who lived thousands of years ago.
Thanks for reading my blog.🙂
Photos belong to me.

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