Surviving a bad weather: Traveling by the Sea

Hello Hive friends and fellow travelers! I am going to share to you one of my unforgettable travels by sea.

As we all know, travels will not always be happy and comfortable. There are times when your endurance and fear will be tested.

In my previous post, I shared with you about Cabuaya which can be traveled through the sea. It is a three to four-hour ride from and to the Mati City proper and residents there usually travel by motor boats or called pump boats.

I was able to travel by going there by sea, many times already. Those travels have fine weather and were all good. But one day, I experienced a trip with bad weather.

The trip was from Cabuaya to Mati City proper. We had an early morning trip. At the start of our trip, there were already rain showers and the waves were big. Then, when we were in the middle part, the rainfall became heavy and the waves were getting bigger. When we are to traverse an island called Pujada Island, there was zero visibility of the mountains that will be our guide for going to the city proper. We made a stopover to the island and ate our breakfast. There were also many boats hiding there because of the zero visibility.

When the mountains became visible, we continued the trip, but this time it was different. The waves were raging, and our motor boat go to and fro. Winds became boisterous too. Water started to enter the boat and my husband will get off the water from the banca through a dipper. This method is called 'limas' in bisaya.

We started to travel near the seashore to avoid the big waves in the ocean. I held the place where I was sitting tightly so that I would not fall.

There were actually mixed emotions within me. I am afraid but at the same time, I feel secure. I am afraid that the boat will sink but I feel secure that my father-in-law and husband were just calm. In my mind, whatever happens, I can swim and save at least myself. Then I was thinking, what if this happens when I am traveling with my kids? That would be a different story. That would really be traumatic for them and I can't imagine them experiencing what I experienced.

I actually shivered! Partly because of fear and partly for being so wet during the travel period. I was always looking to the place where we will dock but it was still far away. There was a time when I suggested that we will dock at a different place but Papa said, it was fine, we can be there at our target docking place. I silently prayed to God to keep us safe amidst this bad weather.

Minutes later, the docking place was already a few meters away and I feel comforted. Finally! we were almost there.

The supposedly 4 hour travel became an almost 6 hours travel since the motor boat cannot speed up. I am thankful to God for bringing us home safe.

Will I travel by sea again? Of course, yes but I will check the weather forecast first especially when we travel as family.

*In general, when you are in situations like this, keep calm, don't panic, trust the captain of the boat and think of possible ways on how can you survive if the worst things happen. Most of all, pray to God for safety. *

That's all for now and keep safe everyone!

*This content is originally created by me and all photos are mine, some are screenshots from the video I managed to record. *

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