Following the lights in Porto


We don't need sunglasses for this post... as no sunny photos will appear here. None.

Well, two photos were taken during the daylight in Porto, the first is where we see the building of the National Theatre (Teatro Nacional São João) and the second one is the entrance of one hotel. We had our accommodation close to that theatre and exactly on the other side of this nice entrance, so these things we saw when arrived in the afternoon. The lady in the reception was very kind to explain the city, and what we should see, she gave us a map and circled the points and streets we should not miss out. It was all good, but just one thing messed up with our stay in Porto. Evening came too quickly and the weather forecast was accurate - the promised rain started the very next morning. Early in the morning.


The only and best thing we could do is to look around the city that late afternoon after leaving our belongings in the hotel. We passed by a cathedral and other buildings (and no, I didn't take photos of those) and by a cable railway. Only if we would stay there more time I would for sure have a ride. I am sure one tune would accompany that experience (just in my hearing).


Our path led us to a metal arch bridge and we remembered that the lady from the reception also recommended us to cross exactly this one to reach the other side of the city. She said there was a park from where we could enjoy the views bathed in the colours of a beautiful sunset. Well, we missed that sunset, it was already dark.



However, there were a lot of lights all around. On the bridge and around the church that can be seen from the bridge. It was like following the lights... Artificial fireflies guided our steps that evening.



The views from the bridge were spectacular. It definitely warmed up our hearts a bit as the outside temperature was not so pleasing anymore. It was the wind over that bridge that made the feeling even colder.



Arriving on the other side the first building that we saw was that church. At first, we didn't know what it was though checking out our location on the phone helped. Then I saw the park and the river bank and the wine cellars where we decided to go. A bit tricky to find the way down but that issue was also solved.



Before going down let's see what the bridge looks like. We crossed it walking on the upper platform.


After a walk by the river bank and visiting a can museum and a place to have wine and fish we headed back toward the bridge. My friend couldn't finish her wine while we were still listening to the music, she said it was too sweet. Indeed, one of the sweetest wines I tasted was this, in Porto. I liked it, though it was not a cheap one. For dinner, it would be better to find a restaurant on the side where our hotel was.

For crossing the same bridge, this time we opted for the lower sidewalk. Btw, it is a double-deck bridge.


Once back to our side of the city, we were pleased by the views. Boats, the bridge, the lights, and some street musicians.




At that moment hunger was already at those levels when it could become critical. With a friend of mine, we joke about our levels of hunger. First, there is a phase you feel your empty stomach and become a bit dizzy and nervous. Then sadness comes. If we still don't find food then depression takes the lead and as the last phase, we start to cry. It's just our joke but many times proven as truth! 😂 We were still around the first phase. Started to look for restaurants.

There were many of them, but it was too cold to sit outside. We wanted something cosy, warm and with good food.



This was just a hotel. We continued walking toward the city centre.


Choosing one of these streets to walk up to the centre also made us pass by a railway station, Sao Bento. We stopped there for some moments.


Following the lights and street decorations that were here still from Christmas we found a place to calm down the hunger that arrived at the second stage. Luckily, depression and tears didn't have the opportunity to attack. The Portuguese green soup, cod fish and cream cake were so tasty!!



There were plans for the next morning to see the city better but as I mentioned, the heavy rain (the flooded parts of the city when we left) had different plans than we had. Porto stays on the list of cities that we want to visit again, one day.


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