The Arctic wonder of Jokulsarlon Ice Lagoon and Diamond Beach

Located off the south-east coast of Iceland, this remarkable destination features a unique combination of ice and water. The Jokulsarlon Ice Lagoon, with its floating icebergs and enchanting blueness, captivates all who visit. Just a stone's throw away is the famous diamond beach, decorated with glittering ice chunks that look like precious diamonds. The visit to the ice logon was at the top of our "must-do list" in Iceland. We’ve booked in far in advance since we really wanted to be sure not to miss it 😊.

In southern Iceland, there are two glacier lagoons: the Jokulsarlon and the Fjallsárlón. Before our visit, we were searching the net, trying to find which visit is more suitable for us. In the end, we decided to visit both of them but booked the tour only for Jokulsarlon. And today, I can say that was the right choice since the Jokulsarlon is really astonishing.

They are offering different options how to experience the lagoon, It can be with a speedboat, with an amphibia, or with a kayak (and there could be some additional ones that I overlooked). When our son sow that there is an option to go with the amphibian boat, there was no way to persuade him for a different option 🙃.

So we booked the amphibia tour and on the fifth day of our road trip in Iceland we did it.

Jokulsarlon Lagoon sits south of Vatnajokull (which is Europe's largest glacier). The glacier Vatnajokull and its surrounding area, including Jokulsarlon, compose Iceland's largest national park and the second-largest national park in Europe.

The lagoon is formed naturally from melted glacial water. It continues to grow constantly since the icebergs from the glaciers are melting very fast. The lagoon has increased fourfold since the early 1970s. Sadly, the increase in size of the lagoon is an undeniable effect of global warming. On one hand, it is incredible and fascinating since the landscape is changing constantly, but on the other hand, you realize that our grandchildren won’t be able to admire this natural beauty.

Jokulsarlon is Iceland's deepest lake (248 meters), but it also creates the shortest Icelandic river, which connects the lagoon with the ocean. The lagoon is composed of seawater and freshwater, and the combination creates the unique color.

The weather in Iceland was changing quite quickly, and depending on the sun and clouds, the color of the water was also changing, from deep blue to a lighter one and back to dark, almost black. The intense blue created an incredible contrast to the white icebergs, which are composed of ice that is over 1,000 years old.

But let's go back to our amphibian tour. It turned out that it was a good decision; the experience was just great. We arrived at the lagoon a little bit earlier, we picked up our tickets and then we had the time to look around, to admire the landscape and I had some time to take some nice photos.

When we boarded the amphibia, they gave us life jackets and after a short drive, we reached the lakeshore and entered the water. All were very pleasant and comfortable, both for kids and older people. Beside the driver, we also had a guide, and his way of presenting the lagoon was fantastic – he had a great combination of facts and humor.

We were riding on the lagoon and approaching the smaller and bigger icebergs, it was really incredible and exciting.

The lagoon is home to seals, and you can see them swimming or relaxing on the top of icebergs.

As part of the tour, they also pick up a piece of ice and you can make a nice photo with it. Our son was very excited to hold a 1.000-year-old piece of ice.

The lagoon is also full of birdlife, especially during the summer when you see the arctic tern and many other species.

As a last think connected to the lagoon tour, I have to mention that if you are planning the visit, don’t forget your warm clothes. We were there in summer (July) and it was still quite cold. We had our winter jackets, gloves, and hats, but honestly, I would like to have an additional shirt under my jacket.

The icebergs that break away from the glacier and fall into the lagoon slowly melt and drift out to sea. For me, watching the river full of ice chunks running into the ocean was memorable.

When the ice blocks arrive in the North Atlantic, the waves and currents polish them and wash them back to the shore on the black beach called Breidamerkursandur.

This black beach is also known as the Diamond Beach since the polished ice looks like diamonds. The sand on the beach is dark and fine, and the ice "sculptures "make a unique landscape.

When we arrived on the beach, the sun was already high in the sky, and the air was quite warm. While the sand and the pieces of ice were cold, they created a light steam that was gently covering the beach and making it even more astonishing.

Both locations, the lagoon and the beach, are among the most popular tourist locations in the country, so don’t be surprised that it might be crowded.

We were so impressed by the lagoon and the beach, that we almost forgot that we had quite a ride in front of us and that we needed to move further to the east in order to continue our road trip.

A colleague, who is a local guide in Iceland, told me about the town of Hofn and their langoustine, so we decided that that would be our location for lunch on our way to the eastern coast. The town of Hofn is small, and we immediately noticed that there are only a few restaurants and decided for Pakkhús Restaurant. We had langoustine cream soup, langoustine burgers, and desserts. The food was really tasty, and I would definitely recommend this restaurant if you stop in Hofn.

With our full bellies and hearts full of unforgettable images of the lagoon 😊 we drove towards our accommodation that was waiting for us on the east coast. A charming small apartment immersed in natur. Luckily for white nights, we were able to have a relaxed "evening" (that was in fact almost midnight) on our terrace.

If you would like to read more about our trip to Iceland check my previous posts:


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Best regards, @miljo76


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