Platters From The Le Bistrot Restaurant In Oslob

Before departing Oslob, my sister-in-law suggested that we should have a meal. We had planned to visit Ocean Park a few days ago, but a problem arose when our intended driver fell ill and we were unable to find a replacement driver. Therefore, we must postpone the date with the children and instead have supper with the family.

Permit me to describe our time at Le Bistrot in Oslob, Cebu, Philippines.


Le Bistrot is a restaurant located in Cebu's principal city of Oslob. It is adjacent to Goldilocks and has a relaxed atmosphere. Although its name is Italian, it serves Filipino cuisine. However, they also offer beverages such as coffee, milk tea, and others.


This was not our first visit to the restaurant, but it was our first meal there. The first time I visited, I ordered milk tea, but they informed us as soon as we sat down that it was unavailable. Therefore, we went out. This dinner date was technically our first experience at this charming nook.

The painting outside of this eatery is one of the elements that attracts people walking by. The artwork depicts two sites in Oslob, the first of which is the Tumalog Falls, which resembles a veil waterfall; we had been there several times.


The Cuartel and the church are the second. There are everyday visitors to Cuartel, both locals and tourists, because they have a large park where children and adults may enjoy an afternoon stroll.

Upon entry, the room could accommodate several customer groups. Three tables on one side can accommodate four clients, while two tables on the other side can handle the same number.


We chose the seats on the right side, where there is a leather sofa, so that we could get the children to sit.

It was order time. The children were just being seated as the grownups perused the menu.


There are numerous options available. However, they also serve pasta, but I forgot to take a photo of the menu. It would have been preferable if I had something to show, but perhaps we can find a photo of the menu from other online sources.

Everyone was uncertain about what to purchase. However, since we had male companions with us, we decided to order some platters. However, when the food arrived, we realized that we had ordered too much.

In any case, I will describe what we actually ordered and provide input on the taste of each individual dish served, while simultaneously rating the flavor and presentation.

I must add say that the employees who assisted and served us also influenced our decision. She was charming, as well as quite chatty, and she continued to recommend many of the available options. Even so, she assured us that their portions are large, and we believed her.


We spotted a seafood platter and decided to get it; it was a massive plate with combinations of grilled fish belly, which I believe was tuna, garlic-buttered shrimp, grilled stuffed squid, the large ones, and a hearty serving of adobong pusit or little squids. This item costs around one thousand Philippine pesos.

This was a good decision, and this platter alone was enough to feed all seven of us adults, but the children won't eat this kind of cuisine, so we'll have to get something crispy that they'll like munching on.


Thus, another dish was sent, this time a meat platter. It included grilled chicken and pork, along with Hungarian sausages and fries.

Although many chicken and pork slices were consumed, the Hungarian sausages were initially discarded, so I continued to consume them. Obviously, the fries drove the children crazy. The flavor of the chicken and pork is extremely similar to that of my lemon and rosemary marinade. They tasted great, as did the accompanying sauce! This dish costs Php 950.


Oh, and we also ordered soup; we chose pig sinigang and requested that it not be as sour as normal; we were pleased that they made it very mild.

The soup was served first, allowing us to have it before anything else. We appreciated the fact that it contained a substantial amount of meat. This item costs roughly Php 250.


We also had pork sisig, which was served in generous portions. This was fantastic because the meat they utilized was not the mascara or the face of the pig; instead, they used pure meat, and it was also devoid of the fat that is typically added to sisig by other eateries.

I must add that this was excellent! I strongly endorse it. This item costs roughly Php 250.


Obviously, we cannot let this chance pass without sampling their pasta. We ordered the restaurant's carbonara and penne.

Both were served on a simple plate with no further plating; they were plain and unadorned. I suppose they do not have basil or anything else to decorate the platter.


Plates cost between Php 250 and Php 300. The carbonara was delicious, despite the fact that the sauce was not velvety, but the penne was not. I must admit that the sauce was very strong and the pasta was possibly undercooked; I cannot adequately describe the flavor, but it was rubbery.


In addition, we purchased drinks and shakes for everyone. They provide a variety of beverages, including fresh juice, smoothies, bottled sodas, and even beer. The rest of us ordered fresh juices, while the father-in-law chose beer.

The juices were served before the main course, so they were no longer quite cold by the time we finished eating. These glasses cost between 90 and 100 Php.


We must take a group shot prior to eating! Thanks to the female waiter who captured this shot, we were all pleased with our meal. I suppose this was a better dining experience than the others we've had in Oslob. Although not entirely, we were pretty delighted with the cuisine and serving size.

I am delighted that there is an air-conditioned restaurant choice in Oslob, as the majority of the eateries here only have fans.

The presence of customers at the other tables indicates that this restaurant is already well-known for its delicious food and friendly service.

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