Navan Park, Melton


Good day Hivians I hope you're having another wonderful day wherever you are. After a few days of great weather Melbourne has plunged into cold, wet darkness in the middle of SUMMER! No doubt after lunch the temp will be scorching hot followed by a down pour. Melbourne is a city with a serious identity crisis.


Today we explore the beautiful Navan Park in the suburb of Melton located in Melbourne's West. Located 35 kilometres west of Melbourne Navan Park features a lake which is regularly stocked with Red Fin making it a prized location to take the kids sport fishing. Redfin which are English perch are an introduced species of fish and popular amongst anglers. Anglers are advised not to return RedFin to waterways of caught as they feed on native fish and there are no bad or size limits on the fish.


Navan Park is an all inclusive park which includes children's play equipment for all ages and disability specialised play equipment and ramps for wheelchair access. There is also a swing which allows wheelchairs to be attached so no one misses out on the fun.

Across the Lake are BBQ areas, walking tracks and fitness equipment. Designed as a circuit workout you can get an entire body workout with sprints in-between sets as you run to the next equipment station which are places around 1km apart right around the lake.



The wetlands section of the lake is home to an eco board walk that crosses the lake through passage of a small island and in and around native vegetation which is home to a number of birds and other native animals (watch out for snakes) constructed in the 90s by community volunteers and local fund raising in partnership with Victoria University it is a well know walking track by many locals.



The board walk is all age and abilities access which allows the entire family to enjoy a brisk walk through native bushland. Providing the perfect opportunity to educate the lil ones about the importance of our ecosystem and get a upclose and personal look at the world around them.


Quite often there are black swans that reside in Navan Park Lake however on this day the swans were up the other end, no doubt feasting on the reeds or food people provide them. We did manage to spot a few ducks, some native some introduced.


You can continue your walk around the lake on pavement providing a smooth and safe walking environment around Navan Park. Makes like so much easier when pushing a baby stroller.


A beautiful location for the whole family of all ages and abilities, Navan Park has a range of uses and you will spend days/weeks or if a local years exploring the marvellous area and with the added opportunity of throwing in a line why not head down and see if you can catch some dinner.

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