Pre-Covid Series: Koh Phangan and the Full Moon Party, Part 5

OK, I think we're finally onto the last part of my Koh Phangan Pre Covid Series. We've spent last week talking about some of the resorts, beaches, food, parties, and daily life. Now it's time for the big event. The Full Moon Party.

Haven't seen the first parts of the series? Each episode of the Pre-Covid series highlights what life was like during my travels before the pandemic.

Want to catch up? Here are links to parts 1-4. Don't miss out on my thrilling adventures!

Koh Phangan Part 1: Bluerama Resort and the Black Moon Party

Koh Phangan Part 2: Beach Life at The Relax Beach Resort

Koh Phangan Part 3: Food in Koh Phangan

Koh Phangan Part 4: Daytime in Koh Phangan

Get wet in the seas at the Full Moon Party.
Get wet in the seas at the Full Moon Party.

The Full Moon Party in Koh Phangan

Don't know what the Full Moon Party is? Have you been living under a rock. Since 1985, Haad Rin Beach in Koh Phangan has hosted a monthly gathering to celebrate, dance, and love life. What started as a small event, grew into a massive, multi-stage one-night festival. 

If you've ever watched any travel videos you've probably seen videos of foreigners going wild at the Full Moon Party. Many jaded people will say that the party is overdone and filled with drunks and crappy music.

Full Moon Party is Lit
Full Moon Party is Lit

They're Wrong

OK, they're technically not wrong. Sure there are tons of foreigners blitzed out their minds and acting like f@cking idiots. But that is the same at any festival I've ever been to. These travelers are on holiday and looking for a good time. I was just as bad in Cancun, Florida, Ibiza, and Jamaica back in my days. So who am I to judge. Let the kids dance!

Fire shows are everywhere during the Full Moon Party
Fire shows are everywhere during the Full Moon Party 

I encourage anyone visiting Koh Phangan during the Full Moon Party to experience the show. It will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you can share with friends and family forever.

Let's talk about the Full Moon Party 

Ok, so the week leading up to the Full Moon Party, there are parties and mini-festivals almost every. You can find house music, psytrance, drum & bass, techno, and Thai-EDM music blasting almost everywhere.

Going through my photos I found this photo from the Waterfall Party. (I honestly don't remember going to this, don't drink too many Changs, kiddies!)

Waterfall Party in Koh Phangan Thailand
Waterfall Party in Koh Phangan Thailand

Music is the Answer at The Full Moon Party

You can find a stage with your favorite genre of music playing non-stop for 24 hours during the Full Moon Party. Local and international DJs grace the stages at every bar and nightclub. Several temporary stages are also erected directly on the beach. 

Most of the main stages are playing commercial hip hop, EDM, and Thai EDM. I try to avoid those areas. 

My favorite places were the geodesic dome playing techno and the beach club at the northernmost area of the beach playing real house music.

Techno stage is the best stage!
Techno stage is the best stage!

Drum & Bass at Sunset Bar and Club

I heard you like drum & bass. Me too. I was mad excited to find out my friend, Jinx, was going to MC at the drum & bass show during the Full Moon Party. 

NY representing!
NY representing!

Needless to say, everyone killed it and I danced for hours. After a short break to chill and reminisce it was time to venture to the other stages to see what they had to offer.

Drum & Bass at Sunset in Koh Phangan
Drum & Bass at Sunset in Koh Phangan

Time to Wander the Full Moon Party

After their set, my friends ended up going home. This left me alone to wander and explore the party. 

People are so friendly and will party with you all night long!
People are so friendly and will party with you all night long!

Don't worry if you're a solo traveler. You can enjoy the party alone or find new friends. Everyone I met that night was incredibly friendly. Everyone just wants to dance and have a good time! (of course, look out for the crazy drunk foreigners)

Time for a Redbull and Vodka Bucket!
Time for a Redbull and Vodka Bucket!

Drinks on the Beach

The drink of choice during the full moon party is a bucket. Buckets are toy sand buckets filled with ice, liquor, and a mixer. They are cheap and can be shared by all your friends. Drinking one by yourself will get you drunk as f@ck so be careful!

Stop being a wimp and just order a bucket for yourself!
Stop being a wimp and just order a bucket for yourself!

Have Fun, Don't Judge, and Just Relax

Listen, I get the Full Moon Party isn't for everyone. But it can be an amazing experience if you just relax. Everyone is there to have fun! There's no judgment and you can dance like no one is watching. 

So many decisions at the Full Moon Party
So many decisions at the Full Moon Party

Obviously, be careful, don't drink too much, and be aware of your surroundings. There are always assholes everywhere looking to ruin your trip

So Inconvenient
So Inconvenient

I always get the question, Can I get drugs? Yes, of course, you can. That being said, drugs in Thailand aren't really that good.

Tuk-Tuk drivers may sell to you and then point you out to the police. Those mushrooms you just bought would be better on a pizza and that coke is probably meth. All I'm saying is don't be stupid!

If you get caught, you're paying a HUGE fine or going to prison. That being said, do what you want and just be smart and careful. 


Cocaine is a hell of a drug
Cocaine is a hell of a drug

Yes, You Should Go to The Full Moon Party

So did I convince you to go to the Full Moon Party or not? No one knows if there will ever be another Full Moon Party again. Covid is decimating Thailand and it looks like Koh Phangan won't be open for a while. I'm glad I had a chance to experience one of the best parties on the planet. 

Meet you here for drinks once the pandemic ends!
Meet you here for drinks once the pandemic ends!

That's All Folks!

Well, I guess that's it. That's all I have for my pre-covid Koh Phangan series.  Thanks to everyone who's been reading, liking, and funding these posts. 

Koh Phangan is in my top spots to return to as soon as covid restrictions are lifted, so hopefully, I'll be back dancing on the beach in no time.

I'm very appreciative of all the support the HIVE and Travelfeed community have been giving me.

it’s bedtime
it's bedtime

Where to next?

Well, after leaving Koh Phangan I was off to Vietnam and planned a 3-month stay in Ho Chi Minh City. I already posted one pre-covid article about Ho Chi Minh but I guess I'll continue the rest of the series in order. So get ready for wild club nights, amazing food, and neon cities in my pre-covid Ho Chi Minh Series coming soon!

Goodbye Thailand, Hello Vietnam!
Goodbye Thailand, Hello Vietnam!

Let's Connect

I hope everyone is enjoying these posts. I'm sure everyone is anxious to get back out on the road and enjoy life the way we could before the pandemic.

I encourage everyone to do what they can to stay safe and stop the spread of Covid. This doesn't mean living in fear. Do what's right and do what you can to stay healthy! Let's beat this thing and get back to traveling!

Currently based in Siem Reap, Cambodia, I'm a solo-traveling, digital nomad. Due to the pandemic, I've been living in Siem Reap for almost 2 years now. While I'm hoping to get back on the road soon, I'm not in a rush. 

I'd love to connect with other travelers, digital nomads, gamers, or residents of Cambodia. Don't hesitate to say hi or send me an upvote!

You can learn more about me and my company at


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