What's your favorite food while traveling on a budget?

Just a short post today. What does everyone on Hive prefer? Long-form or short posts?

Let’s talk about food today while traveling. I know this is a tough question. I will literally try almost anything while I'm on the road. But I've found one food that always hits the spot. It's always cheap and I've never had a bad bowl. It's soup.

Pho is the King of Soups in Southeast Asia
Pho is the King of Soups in Southeast Asia

Soup in Southeast Asia is the Best

I’ve been calling Southeast Asia home for a little over two years. Easily my go-to meal, you can find amazing soups on almost any street corner or restaurant. Most meals will come in less than $2 USD so you always get a bargain as well. 

If I had to choose a favorite it would be Phở but I honestly haven’t found a soup I don’t like in Asia. Some of my other favorites are ramen, green curry, tom yam, hot & sour soup, and Cambodian sour soup

I just wanted to share some of the amazing soups I’ve experienced in Asia while traveling through Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia. I

If I get ambitious maybe I’ll start sharing some of the personal recipes I’ve learned from back home and while traveling. My recipes are perfect for solar travelers and people who are on the go. They usually need 1-2 pots and a few dollars at the local fresh market. Let me know if you’d be interested in learning how to cook as a solo traveler.

What’s your Go-To Favorite Meal While Traveling on a Budget?

I’d love to hear about your favorites. Let’s hear your favorites for budget-friendly food while traveling.

If you want to see more of my food porn from Southeast Asia, I posted an article a while ago on my personal blog at OneZen. Check it out when you have a chance.

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