Ready to take off | Whitewater Rafting | Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines - Part 2


Hello, everyone, I'm so overwhelmed with the outcome of the first part of this series, I'm so grateful with a lot of people who appreciated my post but I will not mention them anymore, you know who you are, thank you so much! I know you will be more excited to see what had happened after the final part of this series. Happiness is all you will observe all throughout especially during the third part. I hope you will bear with me as I take you to the wonderful whitewater rafting adventure.

If you missed seeing the first part you can view it here:


So the first stage of the trip was actually the preparation part and since a lot of the participants were first-timers everyone was busy taking pictures. I know such an experience is once in a lifetime, it will not happen every day.



Indeed the view was superb such that one wouldn't want to miss taking pictures and besides the group also hired an official photographer aside from the individual cameras. If I remember it right the photographer was actually an inclusion of the package.



As I mentioned the first part includes the briefing or orientation, authorized rafting personnel was the one who conducted the briefing, bringing up all the precautions everyone should observe in order to remain safe and secured.



As you can see the activity would be something that is so exciting at the same time a little bit dangerous, the trip includes coursing through rapids that are why everyone should wear their protective gear including the life jacket.



All employees of Mercury Drug Cagayan de Oro were divided into 2 groups and each group comprised of more than 80 people in all in all that includes each of their respective families.



For the first group, I think there were more than 15 inflatable rafts that were used, each raft could accommodate about 6 to 8 persons. There were also small rafts that could accommodate 3 to 4 persons but no one used it as the number of participants is high.



Perhaps if you will go there in a group of 4 you can use the small raft in which the rent is cheaper compared to the big one. I also learn that using a smaller raft is more exciting than using the big one. The reason is that it is light and can easily be moved by rapids.



Finally, everyone is ready to go, you will see in the photos the faces of each one with the excitement and joy of being able to experience such an extreme adventure. You can see sweet smiles but I dare you to wait for the next part wherein you can see big laughter, everyone indeed was in the extreme state of happiness as the rafting adventure goes on.

The whole course indeed was exciting from beginning to end. Please see below some things to consider in going there.

What to Bring

  • A bottle of drinking water - Not really necessary but when you do the rafting during lunchtime where the heat of the sun is strong you really need to drink water and besides there are resting stage, I mean you can have a short break in a certain place of the river so that's the time you may drink water and again take pictures.


  • Sunblock - this is to protect your skin from the direct exposure of sunlight although what is really exposed is only your face because wearing a rashguard is a must.

  • Waterproof camera - I think this is a must if you want your memories with you although there is also an option if you want to keep photos of the whole adventure, a CD with all your pictures is available for sale so if you don't have a waterproof camera, no worries you may buy the CD instead.


So there you go with the second part of this series, you might not be able to appreciate this stage of the adventure but I'm sure you'll be amazed by the third part coming soon.





A glimpse of what you will see next time.

Take care everyone and God bless!

All photos are mine.

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