Dean Village, a very picturesque village in Edinburgh in Scotland

During my recent to trip to Edinburgh in Scotland, I managed to run out things to do during my 3 day 2 nights trip. That was my own fault really due to lack of planning. I always tend to wing it when I go away. Luckily I found a little gem to visit on my last day. This is called Dean Village, and is a short walk away from Edinburgh city center.


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When I showed the two above photos to my friends and family they were all in awe of its beauty. Quite a few of them have been to Edinburgh before, but they weren't aware of Dean Village, and like me, was so surprised that somewhere so beautiful and European like existed in UK.

My first glimpse of Dean Village (above image) was from Dean Path. This part of the Village is positioned slightly higher over the Water of Leith, overlooking the most beautiful part of the village. There weren't that many other people around and I spent a little time here before I headed down to the village.


It was quite interesting to see a mix of architecture here. For example there was traditional stone build large properties, like the former Edinburgh School Board from 1875. And then there was this yellow property on the other end of the road. I don't see too many buildings like this in UK, especially the decor on the right hand side corner of the building. It's really neat how it slopes in in reverse steps. Plus it looks like there used to be an opening in the front which they have now sealed off. That looks a bit too low to be a door entrance, I wonder what it could be.
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Dean Village isn't itself isn't very big and I did a circular walk going over the Water of Leith twice. That's the river that runs alongside the village. Dean Village used to be a milling village milling grain, and during it's heydays had 11 mills that were hydro powered by the Water of Leith. When new modern mills were built in other parts of Edinburgh, Dean Village started to fall to near-derelict and poverty. Thankfully, someone's lightbulb lit up and decided to redevelop the area. Smart move. Many of the old mills and cottages were restored, but thankfully it seems they've kept its character and haven't rebuilt swanky new modern flats.

They have added a walkway across the Water of Leith, that blends in ok, so as a tourist, I'm fine with it.

Especially it offers such a quaint picturesque view of the village. I think it's all very magical.

This is me across the other side of the river, and the arch bridge you see behind me is the Dean Path where I started off.

Dean Village isn't really a travel location, but many (or those who know about it) come here because it is so pretty. Normal folks actually live here, if you do ever visit, just remember this is somebody's home so don't be an annoying rowdy tourist and disturb the locals' daily life. Everyone was on best behaviour this day!!! From this point, I walked back up towards Dean Path. There was a gentle slope, nothing too strenuous, plus it was such a pleasant walk. Just needed a bit more sun, and everything would be perfect. But life is never perfect!!!


Once I got to the top, and look back down, the view was really breathtaking. The Water of Leith splitting Dean Village into two. On the north bank (right hand side of the river) is Well Court. This was built in 1886 and was built for the workers. In 2007 there was a big project to restore it back to its former glory, and I think the work has definitely paid off.

I hope you enjoyed the walk around this little gem in Edinburgh, Scotland, still part of UK.


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