Dino Valley: A New Attraction in Town


Dino Valley, a newly developed fun place for kids in Islamabad. This place is located in Margalla hills 10mins drive (7km) from Monal restaurant in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. It is the best place for families as kids can enjoy life-size moving Dinosaurs. On entrance they have placed a big King Kong statue. The fee to visit Dino Valley is 500 Rs and children can enjoy a dino safari by walking on a path uphill.

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This Dino Valley has been built on multi layer mountains. They have made different staircases to reach uphill. In this dino safari children can enjoy T-rex, flying dinosaurs, Pythons and some other famous dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs were moving and were also producing voices.

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First time I saw Woolly mammoth statue in this dino valley. Mammoths are the ancestors of modern elephants. Mammoth frozen carcasses were discovered from Siberia and Alaska. In Asia many cave paintings were found in which Mammoth was painted.

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The dino valley is the best place to relax and enjoy food with most beautiful sunset and scenery. They have multi terrace sitting place and interior and exterior are well decorated. The menu was also quite impressive. If anyone plans a visit to Islamabad he must visit and enjoy the environment of Margalla on this place.

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