Exploring Indian Bay And Almost Stepping On A Jellyfish!

A Quaint Discovery!


Indian bay is located on the south eastern coast of Trinidad and I was driving to a location in deep south when I decided to stop off randomly to see what the location was about as I noticed a lifeguard booth with its prominent red and yellow colors from the roadway as I was driving by. What I found was an awesome huge beach that had lots to see and do! We explore Indian Bay and what it has to offer including some weird finds!


The above shot is what the entrance and car park looked like with the aforementioned yellow and red lifeguard booth that caught my eye as I was driving by. There were a few cars here with families enjoying the beach and the lovely sunny weather. It was quite hot and bright out but the abundance of wind and cool water offset the scorching heat.



The coastline was sprawling and so wide with lots of beach houses along the beach. The coast stretches for as far as the eyes could see with coconut trees and beach houses intermittently. In the distance there is a large peninsula that seems to interrupt the large and vast coastline with cliffs.



The waves were very colorful with beautiful blue and green hues, an aesthetic that is hardly seen on this side of the island. Normally the coastlines are filled with smelly seaweed and muddy brown water! There were people bathing in the lovely waters and made it look so enticing. It was just such lovely day just look at those colors and that clear beautiful sky!


The right side seemed to have more trees and less beach houses but a just as large and wide coastline. There were some hills and just coconut trees for as far as the eyes could see. At this point I could hear a faint buzzing, the origin of which I could not for the life of my tell what it was as it pierced the consistent throng of the crashing waves.


After a few seconds, the glint of the sun reflecting off of the surface of a quad buggy revealed where the sound was coming from! It seemed that the drivers were having so much fun as the buggy bounced on the wet sands that were compacted enough to provide a nice bit of traction for the tires.



I took a video at this point instead of pictures but here are some screenshots from the the clips! It was an awesome looking buggy with a nice roll cage and spare tires. It seemed that there was a rental place somewhere along the coastline but I could not for the life of me find it in the distance.



In the middle of the beach, there was this river that was flowing out into the ocean making its way across the sand from the banks further inland. I walked along the flowing waters for the while until I got to a reservoir of sorts.


The water was quite brown with a solitary log semi submerged within it. There were a few mangrove trees here and there on either side with a bridge in over it that allowed the main road to cross the river itself.


There were a few mini coconut trees that provided shade here in this little cosy area and it felt like an oasis of sorts and almost private in a way. I stayed here for a little while before pressing on with exploring as the unique tranquility was something that I thought should not be wasted and appreciated whenever it is found!



I found my way back on to the sand reluctantly away from my little oasis and and I was ambling along in the loose fine particles, I almost, to my horror, stepped on what I thought was litter! Upon closer inspection, it was a Man O War jellyfish that would have stung me quite badly if I was not paying attention! That would have been a disaster as I was exploring alone today and the beach, as you can see from the photos was really empty! I admired the nice colors of the poor and most likely dead jelly fish before moving heading back into the car.


For a "by the side of the road" discovery, this impromptu visit of Indian Bay was quite eventful and fun with lots to see and do. I just loved the awesome colors and cleanliness of the waters as well as the lack of smelly decaying seaweed, something that is quite prominent and an issue for beaches on this side of the island's coastline. I glad I did step on that jellyfish either! Thanks a lot for coming along, Cheers!]

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