The Medieval Town of Fougeres France


Located in the Bretagne region of France between Rennes and Mont St. Michel is the medieval town of Fougeres. It is a midsized city steeped in history and charm and is well worth a visit if you happen to be touring around the region.


Established in the year 1000, the city was originally built on a large rocky outcropping at the bottom of a basin between a marshland and the Nancon river. The river still snakes it's way through the old town and forms part of the moat for the old castle fortress.



Lower Town

The city of Fougeres is made up of two towns, the first being the medieval quarter that is typically referred to as the Lower Town.


This is the oldest part of the city and is recognized for its old castle fortress and the surrounding half timbered homes.


I don't know if it is true or not but I read on several websites that the castle of Fougeres is the largest medieval fortress in Europe.



Around the castle there are a few restaurants, shops and cafes. Its worth while to take a stroll through the area to see all of the old buildings and homes. One spot with a creek passing through the backyards is particularly pretty.


If you follow the path along the creek you eventually come to the entrance of the citys public garden.

Upper Town


The second area of Fougeres is referred to as the Upper Town, which is the newer portion of the city that sits up on the hill, hence its name.


In the 18th century a fire destroyed much of the Upper Town and it was later rebuilt in granite in a more modern fashion.



When visiting Fougeres it is easy to recognize a clear distinction between the two towns. Both are very nice in their own way though.

Brief History


Fougeres became a part of a France in the year 1448. It had always been a sort of stronghold in the area so prior to that time, ownership of the village had gone back and forth between the French and English.


In 1166 Henry II of England recognized the threat of the castle and besieged the city. He destroyed the fortress and it was later rebuilt by Raoul II in 1173.


In the 19th century, around the time of the French revolution, the city established itself as the shoe capital of France and became famous for a new form of shoe, one made out of leather.


Around this time 60 new shoe factories were built in the area which more than doubled the size of the towns current population, bringing it up to around 25 thousand people.


A statue known as Armand Tuffin de la Rouërie can be found in the Upper Town. Tuffin was a friend of George Washington and a Colonel in America during the war of Independence. After the war, once back in France, he became an important defender of Brittany. Unfortunately though, he ended up being betrayed by a friend and died of exhaustion while being hunted down by his enemies. He was beheaded post mortem.

Public Garden


One thing that is a must do in town is take a stroll through the public garden. It acts as a sort of a bridge between the upper and lower parts of the city. Starting at the bottom you walk along a switchback path that winds its way up the hillside.



Its a long steep climb from the bottom but the view is well worth the journey.




The Fougeres market takes place each Saturday. We put the dog in his backpack and wandered through the vendor stalls.


Oysters are a specialty of Brittany and I was super impressed by the size of the artichokes.



Final Thought

Fougeres is in a decent spot in relation to several other locations and activities in the surrounding area. We stayed there two nights and branched out to Vitre the following day along with the Broceliande forest. Its also a short drive away from Mont St. Michel, Rennes, St. Malo and many other destinations in the region which makes it a good location to use as a base for your travels.

Well, thats it for now. If you would like to see more of the Bretagne region of France you can see my last post by clicking the link below. The next stop will be Vitre. Thanks for reading!

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