My city in ten photos

1 Legislative Assembly

This structure is located in the center of the city, on Arismendi avenue, where its legislators are supposed to debate daily about the laws that regulate the operation of the region, giving the regulatory framework for the operation of the Sucre state. As a building it is an interesting structure and its location means that it does not go unnoticed

Legislative assembly

2... Cumaná Barracks

This avenue is one of the busiest, T the entire block that we have on the right is the structure of the Mariño Barracks, where the army is stationed, this structure was once in very beautiful condition because they cared about its ornamentation, painting and general maintenance

3 Manzanares River

This beautiful river runs through my entire city and flows into the beach specifically into the Caribbean Sea in the Gulf of Cariaco. Its flow is calm, however it has claimed lives due to the excesses of the people. This photograph is taken from the Guzmán Blanco bridge on Calle Mariño.

4 Antonio José de Sucre High School

This high school was an icon of secondary education, not only in my city, but in Venezuela, there I studied my diversified under the semester modality, which made it different from other high schools, its level of demand prevailed for many decades until it became a high school with ideological formations that, in the end, instead of forming, what they do is deform a youth eager for knowledge

5 Cathedral Church

This beautiful structure is located in the heart of Cumaná, being one of the oldest, it has been maintained thanks to the support of its faithful and the support of private companies, its internal relics and design make it majestic. I have a great connection with this church since my niece made her first communion

6 Bolivar Square

This image frames the entire area of ​​this large square where at the end we can appreciate the dome of the Santa Ines church. This beautiful Plaza is located in front of the Sucre state government and in front of the Birthplace of our famous poet Andrés Eloy Blanco

7 Plaza Ayacucho

One of the most visited squares, today decorated with Christmas decorations to the delight of citizens and visitors. This Plaza honors Our Great Marshal Antonio José de Sucre and his great Battle of Ayacucho

8 Saint Agnes Church

It is the oldest basilica in the city, located in the historic center of Cumaná, next to the ruins of the Castle of Santa María de La Cabeza. It was built after the settlement of the colony, it is important to remember that Cumana was the firstborn of the Continent, hence its importance. On its façade there are two bell towers that ring every hour to notify the city of the time. In this church my marriage was blessed, therefore my feelings towards her

9 San Antonio de la Eminencia Castle

This castle is loved by tourists and I personally like its history and the view that it provides us when we are in its facilities. The hill known as Pan de Azúcar was built in the 17th century, with a strategic location since it overlooks the city and especially the Araya peninsula. Its star-shaped design has a visual of the four cardinal points of the city...

10 Ruins of the San Francisco Convent

This architectural structure was declared a National Monument in 1960, it is UNESCO Historical Heritage and is located in the historic center of this city, in front of it we have the Plaza Ribero. Its importance is based on the fact that it was the first religious center founded by the Spaniards on the mainland, which is why the process of evangelization of the Spaniards gradually settled in America. This structure dates from the 16th century. It is one of the most important campuses of the Universidad de Oriente since it was there where in 1958 he began his academic activities....

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