The first time I saw snow fall

Snow-covered street in Seattle

Having lived in a tropical country all my life, I have always dreamed of experiencing snow fall. I’ve seen snow on the ground, did inner tubing, even attempted to snowboard (resulting in a very painful hairline fracture on my tailbone), but I had never seen snow actually falling from the sky.

I was already in my early 30’s when it finally happened for me. My hubby and I decided to go to Seattle and it just so happened that our trip coincided with Snowmageddon.

Outside Canlis Restaurant

We were fortunate enough that the forecasted record amount of snowfall had not happened yet, but there were no crowds anywhere. We literally walked into restaurants that typically require weeks or months to get a reservation for. There were no crowds so we were able to just explore and do so much because we didn’t have to stand in line or wait for anything.

On the ferry to Bainbridge

I distinctly remember the first time I realized that snow was falling. We had just gotten off the ferry and were waiting for our uber when I caught the first flakes out of the corner of my eye. Needless to say, it was a revelation. I was so happy and giddy and was dancing around in circles like a madwoman with the widest, most ridiculous smile on my face. I stared in abject wonder at the flakes falling on the glass window while in our uber and i was completely transfixed with how every snowflake is unique and how beautiful each one of them were.

By the pier

Of course, I made sure I checked all the boxes on my snow to-do list. I made a snow angel on the sidewalk outside Canlis, made snowmen at a park, had a snowball fight, gathered up snow and threw it over my head while my husband filmed in slow motion, and even shook a tree so the snow would fall all around me. It was the most magical time and definitely one of my fondest memories. There was also a point during our last night there when the snow was coming down in earnest and the streets outside the hotel were completely empty and we just stood there and admired the fresh white powder covering everything in sight.

It was everything I dreamt of and more. And it felt at that moment that I was a child again, in awe and elated. And in my heart of hearts, I said a little thank you that my wish finally came true.

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