Travel across Arizona's majestic landscapes 🏜️


Hello Hive friends.🖐️ I’m very grateful for those who visited and read my previous blogs blogs. Tenchuuu 😘 Hopefully, I was able to share a positive vibe through it. Anyways, for today's blog, let's indulge in reminiscing the get together experience I had with my college friends last winter break, December 2023. As I've told you, every quarter, we have a week of break but for winter break we do have 2 weeks of break here in the US. All of my college classmates are also currently teaching in different states of America. One was from Florida, the other one's from Texas, and then two of us are from Arizona.

This is me with 3 of my college classmates.

# Williams, Arizona
From Phoenix , Arizona, we travelled straight to Williams, Az. Taking the van that we rented, it took us 3 hours to reach our first destination. The agenda? Ride the Canyon Coaster at their adventure park. It's not an ordinary coaster ride as it travels around, up and down a high canyon. The entrance was 35$ per person and we got to take a live video of ourselves for 16$ which was sent to our email. It was so much fun as you get to control the speed of your ride. I remembered constantly screaming on top of my lungs as the very cold wind touches my face. I wont deny, it numbed my face 🤣. For adventure seekers, you can take the full speed going down the hill but you can take the brake to slow it down as well. The downside of it was that, it's only for one time ride. Nevertheless I could say it is definitely worthy of every penny.




Then we also booked the Snow tubing for night schedule. It's awesome how they can maintain the ice on the place when it wasn't literally snowing in the place. But, one must be well geared for its extreme coldness. We lined up on an escalator that brought us up to the mountain bringing with us our inflatables. Then when you get there, you get to choose whether you want to slide down alone, with partner or even in a group. The best part of it is that you can enjoy it repeatedly as much as you want. I only got to ride 3 times while my hubby did it 4 times. We booked a hotel where we stayed overnight.

This is the escalator that took us on top of the mountain.


The Grand Canyon excursion

The following day, we prepared early for another hour and half travel going to the most anticipated Grand Canyon. It was indeed a blessed day as we got to enter the place for free. Usually, every vehicle's pay cost 35$. Here, we experienced the different view of the grandest canyon in the world as we stopped at its different view point. Even if it was my third time visiting the grand canyon, I was still in awe of its unbelievable beauty and landscapes. So far, it was a perfect weather to visit it as the sky was as blue as an ocean. You can comfortably take pictures due to the absence of extreme heat that is typical to Arizona's weather.


This is us comfortably and happily squeezed in one medium size van .




These are the 3 different view points that we stopped by and took pictures with.

The travel along the long roads surrounded by vast valley, rock formations and canyons is simply spectacular. The mind blowing beauty of the sky and clouds even added to such surreal feeling. It would always humble me and be thankful for such blessed opportunity to bear witness to it.

The Horseshoe bend

We then proceeded to travel further to the Glen Canyon where the most renowned Horseshoe bend is located. You wanna guess why is it called that way? Yep, you’re right. It got its name by its shape like a horse shoe and flowing water bent around a canyon. But, because of the Colorado river that doubles back on it making the view even more spectacular . However, it didn’t appear as majestic as the first time I went. Later, I realized it’s because of the different season. It was June when I first visited it with some friends. Thus, there are greeneries below the canyon surrounding the Colorado river that bends around the majestic landform. More so, the water in it did not appear vibrant green and it looks dull dark blue color. Thus, I am assuming it’s because of the freezing temperature. Gladly, we arrived there by sundown so that was able to make up for it.

Another thing, because it’s winter time and breaks are longer, there were more tourists than we anticipated. The taking of wonderful pictures were kind a rush due to a lengthy line of people wanting to be on the best spots. This tourist attraction is free for all but tourists had to pay for the parking. Yes, pay parking is a big thing in America especially in the main cities and tourist spots. Though there are still free public parking lots but they are mostly far from the main attractions area.







After all the Arizona experiences, we got the chance to enjoy the lively night of Las Vegas before heading back to Arizona. We got home at 9 a.m. the following day.

And this is again a quick good bye.🖐️ Thanks for spending your precious time in my blog, hope you enjoy it. ☺️ Pls feel free to drop your comments and feedback.
Till next time! 🖐️

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