Photography - Meet And Great Sunset In Lampu'uk Beach

Hello my friends on hive community!!!

Come back again with me, On this ocassion, I would like to sharing about the swimming at lampuuk beach to time wait the sunset, And I will show our short story about my activity and my hobby about travelling.


A beauty that has been created by God almighty, beauty in itself has meaning, Like the beauty that I am enjoying now and in the future, this beauty has its own chemistry, Its use is to make us happier with the beauty of nature, Therefore we must take care of it. If we don't, who else try? Okay ,,,, Honestly, I really like the meaningful beauty like this. All the beauty in the world, I love that beauty.


This sunset is a cloud and also the sun sets when it comes to night it will sink to the west, When the morning is called the sunrise the sun rises, So now while I am enjoying this beauty, Let's together we feel this meaningful beauty, I am sure You know, you must have felt the beauty of a sunset like this, especially if you are on top of a mountain, Together with the clouds and the sun, it makes us feel comfortable with that beauty.


Maybe my story today is a little less long because even there are only 3 of the materials or photos left, So I immediately swam while the sunset was still there, This beauty is so unique and also good, I am happy and happy to be accompanied by my friends and also my girlfriend, cool ... , It's not possible to be accompanied by them, the family is happy, yes, of course the name is family, every time we are sad, happy, happy. We must have felt the same way.

This photo taken by my smartphone

Place in aceh, indonesia country

Best regard from me @joooi

1CategoryThe light of aceh and wonderful of aceh
3LocationLampu'uk - Banda Aceh - Indonesia

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