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Embracing Tranquility: Finding Solitude in Nature.

Hello, Hivers! I'm back again with a new blog. I hope you are all doing okay with your day. How’s your 2024 so far? It is indeed overwhelming how fast life has been, we’re already halfway in our first month of the year, as a gentle reminder to slow down and take it easy, this blog will show you what my life was like last December.



The View
Living outside the city, away from the fast-paced life, and just sitting down and taking in the scenery is what makes provincial life hit differently. The smell of the damp leaves rustled by the wind, as the stroke of sunlight crept from the trees and touched the face of a person jogging around the neighborhood, is the morning scene that greeted me on that particular day.
I also wore my running shoes to get started with my jogging, it's my way to get immersed in nature and to see if I may see changes in the place that was once my whole world. I took a deep breath, warmed my body up, and started jogging around the neighborhood. While jogging, I saw that unlike before, there were a lot of houses added in certain areas, trees that were once sprouted plants, and the smell of the sea changed but was still familiar. Since it is December, the tide calmly approaches the shore similar to the calm that I felt watching the sun rise behind the clouds. The breeze depicts the warmth and the salty air lingers, yet I continue with my jog.
I reach the point where my labored breathing might be heard from a miles away, the sweat trickling from my forehead to my chin, and my feet sore from the long run. Yet, I may be exhausted, but my eyes and memories are full of the the wonders that I may carry for a lifetime.
The mountain rose in the air, and the trees dotted the mountain. The air smells so much like peace than the air that I am used to. Instead of running, I breathed in the scenery, I took in the beauty that no amount of pictures or videos could capture.

Going home and retracing my steps, I notice a new business that I have never tried. Together with my sisters, we tried out their puto (sticky rice), pan (bread), and sikwate (hot cocoa) and sat down in their nature-themed set. The business promotes the conservation of the environment as seen in the photo, all the materials used to store or put the product are made out of wood. Aside from that, all suppliers of the business are from the locals.

(Hot snacks near the beach)


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The Food

All of these for only 200 pesos
The food is really delicious, and with its Instagramable vibes, you can see why people would stop by to try out their product. The puto is also really cooked well, you can tell that the person behind the cooking really knows the right time when to put the sticky rice in. And the sikwate is heavenly, the taste of the bamboo adds a lingering taste, which makes you reminisce about the time when you usually have this with your loved ones. Aside from that, it's more fulfilling to know that, in a way, you are helping the businesses that are conserving nature, and helping the locals. We took some pictures to cherish and take in the scene with delight and appreciation to the owner for the wonders that in their own way, trying to save the earth.

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Here are some of the pics that we took during the jog.
That is all for this blog. I hope you find it soothing just like how I do. May this remind you to take it slow, and appreciate the little things you have now. That is all for today, see you again in my next blog😘