A sad story behind the White bridge in Vranje, Serbia

Hello everyone. In my previous post I wrote about visiting Vranje town in the south of Serbia and I remembered that there is another place there that I want to share with you. It is a town full of history, worth visiting and I go there often. During the summer, I was also there and visited an important monument of the town. It is the so-called White bridge or the bridge of love, built in the middle of the 19th century, which hides a sad story and therefore has great value.


The story that follows the construction of this bridge is considered a legend, but the board on which the authentic inscription in Turkish and Arabic has been preserved is proof that it is a true story. When I first heard that story many years ago, I was very saddened by the fact that people could harm one's love in such a cruel way.


When the Turks ruled this city for 600 years in the past, it was completely normal and expected to live not only in war but also in love, so it happened that a Serbian woman fell in love with a Turk and vice versa. I believe that there were also successful relationships that brought many descendants, because today when you compare Serbian and Turkish people, you can find a lot of similarities and that is because of the past. But unfortunately, one of the successful love stories is not hidden behind the White Bridge. On the contrary, there is a sad story that always makes you feel a lump in your throat when you see the bridge.


The story follows Aisha and Stojan. Aisha was Turkish and Stojan was Serbian. They fell in love with each other, but Aisha's father didn't like it. They didn't want to part because of him, and once when they were by the river together, Aisha's dad shot Stojan but didn't kill him. He killed his daughter who protected Stojan. After that, Stojan killed himself and the bridge was built in that place as a sign of memory of them and their sad love story.


I don't remember the exact translation of the inscription on the board, but I remember that the essence of the message is that cursed is the one who breaks apart what love puts together, and that the bridge is dedicated to Aisha. You can research it if you want to know more.


Next to the bridge is the old church of St. Petka, which I also visited on this occasion.


It is a medieval church that dates back to the 13th century, but was demolished by the Turks and rebuilt in the 19th century.



Locals believe that the water that can be poured from the fountain in the church is miraculous and good for eyesight and general health. It is a sacred place, highly respected by locals and tourists.




Every time I visit that place I feel sadness for the past days when love did not win and I hope that people nowadays will understand that love and peace must always win and stop fighting once and for all.

Thank you very much for reading.

The images and writing are original and mine.



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